
New Adam/Sally story inspired by Harrison Butker on Young & Restless

New Adam/Sally story inspired by Harrison Butker on Young & Restless

We were still gaping at the incredibly mean-spirited, misogynistic, and homophobic commencement speech that Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker recently gave at Benedictine College when we thought: The troglodyte just gave The Young and the Restless what could be its first current affairs storyline in ages.

Quite simply, the soap opera could have lovers Adam and Sally discussing Butker’s outdated belief that a woman’s first “calling” is to be a housewife. They agree that he must have been kicked in the head more often than he kicked a soccer ball. But beyond that, Butker makes Adam think: “I’m already rich – thanks, Dad. Why am I working so hard to become some sort of big business bigwig? This literally Never worked for me.

“Why don’t I instead do what my mother did for me: make sure my own child grows up in a happy home?” Screw gender roles in the 1950s, who’s to say that’s not the case? My true vocation?”

When Adam proposes the idea to Sally, she is on the first floor. “I thought you wanted to rule the world,” she said.

“Maybe I don’t need the world after all,” he thinks. “Maybe all I need is you…and our family.”

Adam and Sally kiss

A marriage and a very After a busy honeymoon, Adam happily plays Mr. Mom. He still does some consulting work on the side, lest his brain become hopelessly trapped in a loop of “Baby Shark” and Peppa Pig. But he is free from the stress of the business, the endless struggle to outdo the competition and fight for a position in a job that is not the same. all that enriching in the first place.

“I must say, my boy,” Victor told him, “I am disappointed.”

I I have to say,” Adam replies, “I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Why would this disappoint you?

“Because I expect more from you,” Victor barks. “Because I want more for you.”

“Maybe,” Adam says, more comfortable than he’s ever been in his own skin, “you want more for me…for You. For the first time in my life, I’m happy. I am at peace. I don’t fight… with anyone.

“And Sally, she’s happy too,” he adds. “She has this fire in her, this desire to compete. I love that about her. She likes that I like that about her. And we both love that we’ve gotten to a place where we can do the things that make us want to jump out of bed in the morning.

“Well, in my case, the baby kind of tells me when to get up,” he continues. “But you know what I mean.”

Over time, Victor would be forced to reassess his position. Despite his displeasure with Adam, he would notice that, for the most part, they no longer argue. Adam no longer seeks her approval; he doesn’t want it and doesn’t need it. He ultimately became not his father’s son but something much more important: his own man. In doing so, he demonstrated enviable strength and lucidity.

By the time Adam is invited to give the commencement speech at Walnut Grove Academy, Victor is able to not only enthusiastically attend, but also applaud what his son has to say. “There is no one way to live, no one way to be happy,” Adam told the Class of 2027. “If anyone – a person, an organization or a religion – tries to say it is, question it. Question it hard. Ask yourself if they know you, know your heart and mind, or if they are just trying to fit you into a life plan that might be great for some people…but not for you.

“There’s a corny saying that I hate,” Adam continues. “’Follow your bliss.’ It’s corny, right? But at the same time, it’s not bad advice. I mean, what could be more obvious? The path that makes you happy, the path that makes you You, is the one you should follow. If you want to conquer the corporate world, dive in head first and rock it. If you’re creative, let him out, because even if you’re not, he’ll find a way to do it. come out. Don’t let yourself or your future be defined or dictated by anyone or their ideas of “what it should be.”

“I change 50 diapers a day,” he concludes. “And let me tell you, it’s bad. As, Really bad. I don’t know what we are feeding this child, but when he makes his journey home…Jesus. The crowd laughs. “But I’ll tell you something else. That stench, to me, is the smell of success – and success has never tasted so sweet. Find yours.

Check out the photo gallery below to learn more about Adam’s life and loves.