
Daily Hampshire Gazette – Bill Packard: Consider neighborhood-favored Greenway trail plan

Daily Hampshire Gazette – Bill Packard: Consider neighborhood-favored Greenway trail plan

Regarding the front page article about planning the Mill River Greenway bike path through Haydenville, it should have been noted that the majority of residents in Lower South Main (Bridge Street to Fort Hill Road) want the alternative plan for the boulevard of the cycle path or through small sections of the street. (“Residents resist Greenway trail project,” Gazette, April 26).

If this is what we residents prefer and can reduce the overall cost, why not? The safety of bicycles sharing the road is ensured by 20 mph speed limits and speed bumps. Most cyclists would still use the road as they do now, even if a shared greenway were provided.

The people mentioned in the article who oppose the boulevard project do not live in this section of South Main. Why would they oppose what residents prefer? I would not oppose the projects they would like to have in their street.

Bill Packard
