
The Rewind Room: A blast from the past | News

The Rewind Room: A blast from the past |  News

The Rewind Room is a pop-up thrift store located in Danville.

Brothers Keith and Steve Walker began opening their small thrift store in August 2022 after more than three decades of amassing a diverse collection of antique items.

“It’s a room full of antique, retro, vintage and unique items, something for everyone from fun to fancy, with new inventory continually brought in every week,” Walker said.

As you enter and walk down the hallway on the left, you will be greeted with a smile from Keith or Steve. There is no price tag on the items available to keep a more personal atmosphere between producer and consumer. This creates a more social interaction and allows passers-by to shop in peace.

Hundreds of vintage items are available in the room, from 1950s toys to decorative glass centerpieces. You can revisit your childhood or recall endearing memories just by peeking inside the room.

The brothers really enjoyed meeting and connecting with new people through the store. While sharing inspiring stories about her clients over the years, Walker mentioned one that stood out.

“I recently had a young man come in and he bought a few things, he was like a kid in a candy store. He was here to buy uranium glass, but he bought a few other things he remembered having as a kid to play with some old dime store toys from the 80s, and a few things he remembered that her grandmother had,” Walker said with emotion. He enjoys the blessing of hearing people’s stories and values ​​becoming friends with his customers over the money he brings home.

The Rewind Room is located at 2321 Riverside Drive in Danville and is available Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.