
Stop the genocide in Gaza! Stop police violence against anti-war students!

Stop the genocide in Gaza!  Stop police violence against anti-war students!

On Tuesday, the academic group International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) at Humboldt University Berlin presented its electoral declaration for the upcoming student parliamentary elections.

The elections of June 18 and 19 will take place this year in extraordinary conditions. As opponents of the genocide in Gaza are repressed by brutal police violence and prosecuted at the instigation of the leadership, university president Julia von Blumenthal and the Berlin Senate (state executive) are considering strengthen the law on higher education, which would allow students to express their opinions. critical anti-war views be suppressed on a political basis.

Establishment politicians and the media have responded to an open letter from hundreds of teachers condemning the violent dispersal of a protest camp at Berlin’s Freie Universität and defending students’ freedom of speech and assembly through a vicious smear campaign. At the same time, university campuses across Europe are being occupied by students to oppose the Israeli attack on Rafah and demand a halt to all Western arms deliveries.

The fight that the IYSSE has been waging for ten years against the conformism imposed in universities therefore takes on immense importance. We have exposed the militarist forces behind the attempt to attack the democratic rights of students and transform German universities into training schools for German imperialism. To end the genocide in Gaza and NATO’s war against Russia in Ukraine, the entire working class must be mobilized on the basis of an international, socialist program against war and capitalism.

Below appears the statement of the IYSSE electoral list, which will be printed in the student elections brochure. Take part in our election campaign and register as an active supporter at