
Maryland K9 rescued from animal shelter hours before being euthanized – NBC4 Washington

Maryland K9 rescued from animal shelter hours before being euthanized – NBC4 Washington

Boomer is one of Prince George’s County, Maryland’s newest and fluffiest first responders.

The two-year-old German Shepherd had a circuitous path to public service. Before joining the Prince George’s County Fire Department, he had stayed at a shelter in Anne Arundel County, where things almost ended for him.

“He was supposed to be euthanized probably within a few hours,” said Cpl. Andrew Cummings of the Prince George’s County Police Department.

It was about three months ago. Anne Arundel County Police saw something special in Boomer and thought he would be a good addition to their K9 unit. But the department couldn’t find a place for him, so they called friends a county away, in Prince George.

At the Prince George’s County Fire Department, Boomer got a new lease – or leash – on life.

“The opportunity to add another resource to our department to fulfill our mission…when Anne Arundel called and donated the dog, we were thrilled,” said Chief Tiffany Greene of the County Fire Department. Prince George.

Boomer underwent weeks of bomb detection training, with routines such as placing him in a dumpster filled with plastic bottles to acclimatize him to noise and movement, and teaching him to “alert” or sit when it detects explosive materials.

“He went from an unsociable kennel dog to a working dog,” Cummings said. “As you can see, he can be around people, very sociable, he’s just a good working dog.”

Boomer is also an important addition to the Prince George’s County Bomb Detection Unit.

The tradition of dogs and firefighters dates back to the days when fire appliances were pulled by horses. The Dalmatians helped keep the horses calm and guided the horses down the street, clearing the way in front of them.

It’s changed and the technology has changed, but there’s still a place for dogs.

“We will use it for suspicious package calls, post-explosion investigations and special events around the county,” a department spokesperson told News4.

Prince George’s County is one of dozens of jurisdictions where the bomb squad operates under the state fire marshal.

The K9’s handlers are police officers and Boomer will return home with his handler to be part of a pack of four other dogs. At work, he’s already part of an adoptive family of first responders – a far cry from euthanasia.

“He’s just excited to work every day and live life to the fullest now,” Cummings said.