
‘Undisclosed’ number of people caught in nets to feature in beach art installation

‘Undisclosed’ number of people caught in nets to feature in beach art installation

An “UNDISCLOSED” number of people caught in the nets are set to feature in an art installation on Bournemouth beach this weekend.

Stephanie Lane, a London-based artist, specializes in creating images using artificial intelligence and interpreting these images through performance art.

She is known and performed worldwide for her conceptual art highlighting “the cruelty of the dairy industry” by depicting women being milked with a description of the process by farmers.

His latest installation will showcase the “fate of fish caught by trawlers” on Bournemouth beach ahead of a global broadcast.

The installation will include an undisclosed number of humans caught in a net, as well as a trawler’s commentary on the capture method.

It is designed to draw public attention to the “suffering of fish”, and the artificial intelligence images have not yet been released.

Stephanie Lane has won acclaim for her controversial images that demonstrate her artistry and campaigning style.

The report from Bournemouth beach will be shown at 1pm on Sunday May 26.