
More and more older Americans are showing up in emergency rooms for cannabis poisoning

More and more older Americans are showing up in emergency rooms for cannabis poisoning

From pain relief to sleep aid, CBD Gummies and edible cannabis are considered the go-to remedy for many older Americans.

“They see it as you know, a vitamin so to speak, and it’s not, and actually you don’t know what’s in it. So talk about you know, flying to the blind, you’re really flying blind,” said Dr. Barbara Krantz, medical director of the senior program at Caron, a drug treatment and rehabilitation center in Delray Beach.

New research shows a worrying trend regarding these sweet treats and the elderly.

According to a study conducted by JAMA Internal Medicine, emergency rooms in Ontario, Canada, have seen a steady increase in emergency department visits among people aged 65 and older suffering from cannabis intoxication. A similar study in California found that emergency room visits increased by more than 1,800% over the past 15 years.

Experts say people often assume CBD is completely safe because it’s over-the-counter, but that’s not entirely true.

“The CBD supplement is not controlled by the FDA, so there is no precise dosage. The purity doesn’t need to be there. You know, you really don’t know what you’re taking, so I wouldn’t do that.” Krantz said.

She added that prescription medications can play a big role, because some medications don’t mix well.

“A lot of people are taking blood thinners, blood pressure medications, diabetes medications, antipsychotic medications, anti-seizure medications, it will affect those medications and it can have disastrous consequences,” Krantz said.

Cannabis intoxication is known to cause symptoms of dizziness, nausea, confusion, anxiety, and even chest pain.

The bottom line about the dangers between an elderly person and CBD is that they should first talk to a doctor or at least a pharmacist before purchasing it. And don’t just buy it at the pharmacy, cafe or anywhere else. I mean, think about it because they need to know if there are drug interactions,” Krantz said.