
Tours offered as OSU-Cascades expansion continues

Tours offered as OSU-Cascades expansion continues

FOLD, OR — OSU-Cascades invites the public to tour its latest expansion project next week, “to see the incredible land reclamation underway to create the first eight acres of a possible 24-acre innovation district,” says Christine Coffin, Bend campus. She tells KBND News that about 200 people have already signed up: “I think there’s just a tremendous amount of interest in our growing campus, for a variety of reasons.”

Coffin says it’s fascinating to witness the transformation of a landfill filled with construction materials and an old pumice mine, “It’s like a choreographed dance scene. There are approximately 24 heavy equipment vehicles operating on site. Both digging the landfill, sorting and separating what was found in the landfill, then moving it to the pumice mine, where it will serve as the basis for recreation grounds and other buildings. » Coffin adds: “And even the hundreds and hundreds of tires found in the landfill are shredded on site into small pieces, and these will be used – mixed with other materials – as a foundation for the recreational fields. » She says crews reached the bottom of the landfill this week.

She acknowledges that the campus is in a state of perpetual expansion: “And OSU-Cascades will be in development for many years to come. And it will be like hopscotch because as we construct one building and remediate the land in association with it, we seek funds for the next building.

On Tuesday, May 28, from 4-6 p.m., the school is offering a more in-depth tour of the site and guided tours of the Student Success Center. “And what’s fascinating about this building,” says Coffin, “is that it’s built from solid wood. So, a completely renewable resource, just as sturdy as steel.” This building is expected to open its doors early next year.

Tours and open houses are free, but registration is required. Closed shoes are recommended. For accommodation requests, contact [email protected].

Image: The future Student Success Center presented in an architectural rendering.