
Stop the genocide in Gaza! Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei holds rally in Berlin for European elections

Stop the genocide in Gaza!  Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei holds rally in Berlin for European elections

On Tuesday, the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP) held a rally against the genocide in Gaza as part of its campaign for the European elections in the Neukölln district of Berlin. Around a hundred workers and young people participated in the event.

SGP European election candidates Christoph Vandreier, Ulrich Rippert, Angela Niklaus and Tamino Wilck presented an international socialist perspective against the barrage of war propaganda and the genocidal pro-war policy of the federal coalition government and all parties of the establishment.

Angela Niklaus

To commemorate the Nakba 76 years ago and demand an end to the genocide, “around ten thousand people took to the streets in Germany. In London alone, a quarter of a million people demonstrated. » Angela Niklaus declared as he opened his speech. “In the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, we salute the courageous demonstrators in Europe and around the world. »

The ruling class was trying to suppress the protests with police state methods “because they are afraid!” They fear that the anti-genocide protests will be accompanied by social anger from the working class against the government and union leaders,” she said. “Large sections of the population are becoming poorer” and, instead of investing in welfare systems, “hundreds of billions of euros are being spent arming the Bundeswehr (armed forces), providing welfare systems, weapons and militarize society.

Anyone who rejects genocide and war should join the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei because “we reject any national perspective.” The fight against the bourgeoisie and its genocidal and warlike tendency “cannot be won with Varoufakis and his MERA25 (European Front of Realistic Disobedience), nor with RIO or any other pseudo-left group or with more militant trade unionists. Their view implies subordination to the institutions of the bourgeoisie,” Niklaus said. “They all defend the preservation of the capitalist system, responsible for the Nakba and the two world wars.”

“In our international socialist perspective, we rely on the international working class,” which is the only social force capable of “ending genocide and war.”

Tamino Wilck

Tamino Wilckmember of the SGP and member of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE), focused his remarks on police violence against students and other opponents of the war.

The state responded with brutal repression to the wave of protests that spread across universities in many countries, “strongly reminiscent of the protests of 1968.” “Just as the foreign policy of the ruling class once again supports genocide, it also returns to the methods of the Nazis in domestic policy. »

Wilck described police violence against students and the hate campaign unleashed by politics and the media, in particular Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (Liberal Democrats, FDP) and the tabloid Pictureagainst teachers at Berlin universities because they declared in an open letter that it was their duty “to protect their students and under no circumstances hand them over to police violence”.

Wilck appealed to pupils and students: “We must go to the workplace and mobilize workers against the genocide. Workers must prepare demonstrations and strikes to end the war industry.

He linked the German government’s unrestricted support for Netanyahu’s fascist government and domestic repression to NATO’s war against Russia. He described how “the German government is working with open anti-Semites and right-wing extremists in Ukraine to carry out its war against Russia.”