
Adam’s Journey from the Australian Army to Saab Australia

Adam’s Journey from the Australian Army to Saab Australia

Having been in the Australian Army for 15 years, teamwork and being part of a team was high on Adam’s list of things he was looking for in a new role when transitioning towards civilian life.

“Making my contribution and working collaboratively gives me a high level of job satisfaction. I guess it comes from being in the military for so long and depending on each other to get the job done and looking out for each other while doing it! » jokes Adam.

Today, as Project Support Manager at Saab Australia, Adam believes the camaraderie and culture of Saab is exactly what he is looking for.

With a long career with the Royal Australian Corp of Transport and working with high risk work capability platforms for the Australian Army, Adam has spent a decade and a half in a number of roles and positions throughout throughout his time in the military, including small and medium teams. management roles and instructor positions. His tour highlights during this period were HMAS Tobruk, Army Transportation School – Maritime Wing and the Special Operations Logistics Squadron.

His career in the Defense Force included multiple deployments including Afghanistan, the Middle East region, South East Asia and a two-year tour on HMAS Tobruk, where he was a member of the crew of ship working in the army detachment of ships ( SAD).

The deployment to the Middle East was a significant milestone in his military career. As leader of a team of eight, Adam was responsible for managing all cargo in and out of the region for the Australian Forces. This experience not only tested but also honed his management skills, resilience and ingenuity.

The transition from military to civilian life can often be difficult, but Adam has found his journey rewarding. He thanks Saab for its exceptional support during this phase.

“I feel supported but also connected to other veterans, which is extremely important to me. Although I am a reservist one evening a week and at weekends, having connections with other people who have served in the defense forces has created a sense of community at work for me.

He also points out that it was the policies and flexibility offered by Saab that gave him confidence, as well as a clear career path.

“The fact that Saab offers additional leave entitlements outside of standard annual and sick leave gives me space for my appointments with the Department of Veterans Affairs. It’s an encouraging gesture that demonstrates the company’s commitment to my well-being.

Additionally, Saab has offered Adam a clear career path that matches his ambitions. He aspires to become a project manager and the company ensures that he acquires the skills and knowledge necessary for this progression. In addition to on-the-job training, Adam is also offered formal learning opportunities. He completed external courses and gained qualifications related to project management, strengthening his skills in his current role and preparing him for future roles.

Currently he is working in a more senior role as part of his learning and development plan. This exposure to advanced responsibilities gives him the experience necessary to advance in his career.

“My time at Saab allowed me to flourish and easily leave military life. I look forward to continuing to develop myself with all the opportunities available to me and to grow professionally here.