
The media have always been “shocked” by Donald Trump

The media have always been “shocked” by Donald Trump

In the world of elite media, liberal pundits and talking heads are the gatekeepers. They control access to the public and determine winners and losers based on the type of coverage they decide to give them. Every politician worries about a slip of the tongue in a debate or a misstep on the campaign trail. The slightest twist can be enough to bring down the candidate. And in the world of political correctness, a poor choice of words can be fatal.

So when Donald Trump came down the escalator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy on June 16, 2015, and immediately brought up issues surrounding illegal immigrants and plans to build a wall, experts predicted his campaign would be aborted before it could start. buffer.

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Before the election, media outlets critical of Trump were certain that his ignorance of foreign policy would prove to be his weak point. He was not a politician and his knowledge of international relations was minimal. So when he defied Russia and Iran and threatened to unleash hell on ISIS and jihadists in Iraq, it was clear to the talking heads at CNN, MSNBC, and all the liberal media outlets that Trump was damn. But within forty-eight hours, Russia and Iran were making conciliatory noises, and soon after, American forces in Iraq were crushing jihadists in Mosul and Kirkuk.

Fast forward to late 2017. Having survived one controversy after another, and while managing to avoid the daily onslaught of the Mueller investigation into alleged collusion with the Russians, the media was seizing on every little thread. Democratic lawyer and former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz stressed that even if there was evidence of collusion, there is no federal law prohibiting it. But the cable networks couldn’t stop chattering about the Russia investigation, the “Steele Dossier” (which has been totally discredited), and the possibility of a full-blown Star Chamber investigation leading to impeachment.

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But hope springs eternal, and just when Russiagate seemed to be fading, Stormy Daniels appeared out of nowhere, and the late nights were all about Twitter! Daniels’ claims of a one-night stand with Trump in 2006 suddenly became headline news of the day. Never mind that Trump’s playboy past didn’t sideline his campaign or his election. If the “Access Hollywood” tapes in which Trump made vulgar comments about women hadn’t slowed him down, it’s hard to imagine anything of a sexual nature could stop him. A number of women came forward – none seemed to have a very credible story – and one by one, they slipped back into the shadows within days.

Stormy Daniels made headlines for weeks, but her accusations didn’t seem to hurt the president. When it was revealed that Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen (who later pleaded guilty to multiple charges of tax fraud and campaign violations) had paid Daniels to keep quiet, the porn star briefly headlines, but it increasingly seemed as if Trump was bulletproof. The more the media hounded him, scouring the gutters for any scandal they could find, the more fiercely Trump’s supporters fought back. It’s hard to imagine that a new revelation could have changed their minds.

The election of Donald Trump was a “shock and awe” to the status quo and the direction of the nation. To make America great again, Donald Trump is now “going on the offensive”.

To learn more about “Trump Aftershock” by Stephen Strang, visit or

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Stephen Strang is the bestselling author of God and Donald Trump. Founder and CEO of Charisma Media, Strang was elected by Time magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America. He has interviewed four US presidents and has been featured on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBN, Family Chat by Dr. James Dobson, and in many Christian media.