
Producer Discusses Cast’s Reaction to Trump’s Alleged Use of the N-word

Producer Discusses Cast’s Reaction to Trump’s Alleged Use of the N-word

Bill Pruittformer producer of The apprenticetold CNN Kaitlan Collins all about the disturbing scene surrounding Donald Trump’s alleged use of the n-word to describe a contestant on the reality show’s first season finale.

Pruitt’s memories included the shocked reaction of Carolyn Kepcherformer COO of Trump Golf Properties, and judge on the show, as Trump decided the winner between Bill Rancica white man, and Kwame Jacksonwho was black.

“So basically here we are: the producers, Carolyn Kepcher and George Ross, who are the two advisors who worked for Trump within the Trump Organization, and they have a little more leeway because they worked for Trump, so they can say things that we can’t necessarily say directly. » Pruitt continued:

And one point, Carolyn Kepcher, who is the head of his hospitality unit and ran one of his golf clubs, kind of came out and said, “Kwame Jackson supervised Omarosa.” , who was brought back to task and created all sorts of problems for herself and others throughout the season. But it was great TV and it stuck around for some reason. And, for that, Carolyn Kepcher thought, “Well, Kwame deserves to be considered for the grace with which he handled this.” And we all agreed. But it tipped the scales

in a direction that we didn’t necessarily need to go in because we wanted to share a fair story. And Trump seemed to have a problem with this idea from the start. You could see him react and shake his head, shake it, grimace, grimace, before saying, “Yes, but would America buy a” – and he said the n-word – “win?” And, I remember, I was looking at Carolyn when that was said, and she’s a very pretty blonde woman whose skin has turned scarlet. And then I looked at Trump to see the reaction he was giving, like it was some kind of joke, and he was still grimacing and shaking his head, and he was serious.

Ultimately, Jackson was “fired” and Rancic became the winner of the first season.

Pruitt, whose nondisclosure agreement with the show just expired after 20 years, told Collins that there was video of Trump’s n-comment.

“In 2016, I tweeted to people to go get these tapes because I know they existed, because we recorded these meetings, we recorded this moment. It’s on a tape somewhere, in a file,” Pruitt said.

Show creator Marc Burnettwho has not commented on Pruitt’s claims, was credited with boosting Trump’s image as a successful businessman on the show, which allowed Trump to become a household name and ultimately win the presidency in 2017.


Watch the clip above via CNN.