
Moment teen mum, 19, caught trying to SELL her 2-year-old son as she was seen accepting huge wad of cash ‘to start a business’ – The Sun

Moment teen mum, 19, caught trying to SELL her 2-year-old son as she was seen accepting huge wad of cash ‘to start a business’ – The Sun

This is the horrific moment a teenage mother was caught trying to sell her two-year-old son for a huge wad of cash.

The 19-year-old, from war-torn Ukraine, was arrested by police when they found her with £19,000.

A young mother has been arrested after allegedly trying to sell her son. Here, a social worker carries the child.Credit: East2West
Mother reportedly accepted £19,000 for childCredit: East2West
Here a police officer counts the money found at the young mother’s houseCredit: East2West
The baby, 2 years old, is taken care of by social services in UkraineCredit: East2West

She would have liked to start a business with the money, but she is now detained.

Police revealed a huge stack of banknotes she had accepted before moving to arrest the woman in the bombed city of Dnipro.

The teenage mother faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted of trading her child.

Ukrainian state TV channel Suspilne reported: “She didn’t want to take care of her son, so she decided to sell him and use the money to open her own business. »

She tried to sell her child to “his acquaintance,” according to police.

“At the agreed time, she showed up at the meeting place, where she was detained while receiving money.”

The boy was handed over to Ukrainian social services.

A health care employee was seen holding the baby who, minutes earlier, was intended to be sold, police said.

“Doctors are now caring for the boy,” said an official statement.

“The detainee’s place of residence was searched and material evidence was seized.”

Photos show the woman handcuffed and taken to a waiting police car after being apprehended.

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She was detained for 60 days pending further investigation.

Reports do not specify what type of business she intended to open.

The police statement said: “The crime was documented by the police departments of the Migration Police and the Investigative Department of the National Police of the Dnipro region, in cooperation with the Criminal Analysis Department.”

Neither the suspect nor the identity of the buyer has been revealed.

Mother was pictured being taken away by policeCredit: East2West
The young mother would have wanted to create a business with this money – here the baby is photographed with the social workerCredit: East2West
The woman was arrested in the city of DniproCredit: East2West