
The LDS Church should take a stand on Trump’s conduct. Silence could imply approval or indifference to one’s actions.

The LDS Church should take a stand on Trump’s conduct.  Silence could imply approval or indifference to one’s actions.

(Courtesy LDS Church) U.S. President Donald J. Trump shakes hands with President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency of the LDS Church on December 4, 2017.

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the silence of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) on the conduct of former President Donald Trump.

As an institution known for its high moral standards and commitment to principles such as honesty, loyalty and integrity, it is puzzling to see the lack of an official stance on an individual whose actions contrast sharply with these values.

President Trump’s history of adultery, lascivious behavior, greed, dishonesty, and repeated violations of the law is well documented. These actions appear fundamentally at odds with the teachings of the LDS Church, which emphasize moral righteousness and ethical conduct. The Church has historically taken positions on various social and moral issues, defending positions that it believes are consistent with its doctrines. In this context, why has the Church not publicly addressed the significant moral divergences in Trump’s behavior?

By remaining silent, we risk implying tacit approval or, at the very least, indifference to conduct that many members find troubling and inconsistent with their faith. I think it is important that the LDS Church clarify its position on this issue.

Doing so would not only reaffirm its commitment to its core principles, but also provide guidance to its members who are grappling with the moral implications of supporting a figure like Trump. Thank you for considering my views on this crucial issue. I look forward to the Church’s response and hope for a reaffirmation of the values ​​that many of us hold dear.

Elana Lewis, Salt Lake City

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