
Uncertainty over new arrests at ANC as NPA and Hawks remain silent

Uncertainty over new arrests at ANC as NPA and Hawks remain silent

The cap – Concerns have emerged over potential arrests of senior ANC leaders following the court appearance of former Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa on corruption charges linked to bribes of R1.6 million.

Kodwa was arrested and charged with corruption on Wednesday last weekwhile his party, the ANC, wonders how to form a new government after significant electoral defeats.

Arrested alongside former EOH boss Jehan Mackay, both were granted R30 000 bail after appearing in the Palm Ridge Commercial Crimes Court.

A Municipal press A report on Sunday suggested more ANC officials could be arrested, although the Hawks and NPA declined to comment on further actions.

“Insiders said that after Kodwa’s arrest on Tuesday on state capture-related charges, the Hawks were reportedly ready to pounce on their next target,” the publication said, according to The citizen.

ANC spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, however, said his party was not aware of any imminent arrests.

About 90 ANC members, including high-ranking figures like Gwede Mantashe and Nomvula Mokonyane, were implicated in the State Capture Commission report, which recommended further investigations, the report said.

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Compiled by Betha Madhomu