
Author and motivational speaker shares message of hope

SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO) — An author and motivational speaker who went from homelessness to the real estate industry is sharing his story in Sioux Falls. Frank McKinney is no stranger to the challenges of homelessness. He experienced it firsthand.

“I was once homeless, so when I walked through the door of the first shelter I visited, I had lost everything, including most of my hopes,” McKinney said.

McKinney knew he wanted to live an extraordinary life. To do this, he said he had to resist a mundane approach. He slowly moved into the real estate business, where he made most of his living for years. Now he shares this story with other people who wear the same shoes.

“I met over 10,000 homeless people face to face, shook their hands and asked their names. What I find is not to judge,” McKinney said.

McKinney visited five shelters and transitional housing centers in Sioux Falls. He wrote nine books in 20 years and said all profits went to construction efforts in Haiti.

“We have built 31 self-sustaining villages in 21 years, caring for more than 14,400 children. Today, more than 14,000 children live independently thanks to the sale of books. One book, if you choose to buy one book, that’s 100 meals at one of our orphanages,” McKinney said.

McKinney’s message gave a new perspective to more than 20 people listening to him Wednesday morning at St. Francis House.

“How he transitions from his old life to his new life. How he was able to help people while learning from his old life,” David Ijong said.

Even though McKinney shared the words from his most recent book, that’s not what he was trying to sell today. Today he was selling hope.

After her stop in Sioux Falls, McKinney traveled to Sioux City, Iowa, to continue sharing her story.