
Pervert Caught Sex Chatting With ’13 Year Old Girl’ Said He Wanted To Kiss Her

Pervert Caught Sex Chatting With ’13 Year Old Girl’ Said He Wanted To Kiss Her

A PERVERT caught having sex chats with a girl he thought was 13 has said he is in love with her.

Adam Smith, 55, was speaking to a decoy adult instead from his home in Dennistoun on February 20, 2023.

The decoy named Carly Mae Murphy received a friend request on Facebook from Smith who then sent her a message.

The decoy told Smith she was 13 and the conversation continued on WhatsApp.

Prosecutor Lauren Donnelly told Glasgow Sheriff Court: “He repeatedly asked her to be his girlfriend.

“He asked for photos of her in her pajamas and complimented her appearance while declaring he was in love with her.”

The two exchanged text, audio and video calls over the next six days.

The decoy did not show its appearance during video calls.

Smith said in the calls: “I would like to give you a hug and kiss you.

“Anything you want to know about kissing, ask me.

“I know you’re still a virgin.”

The decoy then contacted vigilante group Protecting Kids Scotland who then visited Smith’s home.

He was shown a photo of his Facebook account and confirmed his identity.

Smith said: “I spoke to her but I never touched her.”

Police attended and arrested Smith, who told officers: “I was just sending him a message, I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong.

“I know I’m going to be charged.”

Smith pleaded guilty today to attempting to communicate indecently with a child.

Sentencing was deferred until next month pending baseline reports by Sheriff Louise Arrol KC.

Smith, now from Glasgow city centre, was placed on the sex offenders register and has since been released on bail.