
Blame Sammy Flex for instigating Shatta Wale against Stonebwoy

Blame Sammy Flex for instigating Shatta Wale against Stonebwoy

Ola Michael and Sammy Flex Ola Michael and Sammy Flex

Media personality and entertainment expert Ola Michael has given his views on the brouhaha surrounding the cancellation of Shatta Wale’s concert at the University of Ghana.

Recall that the concert, which was scheduled to take place at the TF Hostel of the University of Ghana, was canceled by the university authorities, citing lack of information from the organizers.

However, Shatta Wale’s camp accused Stonebwoy of influencing the cancellation so that it did not coincide with his concert, which took place at the University of Ghana on the same day.

Stonebwoy, however, denied the allegations, stating that he was not involved in any cancellation and had no authority to do so.

Speaking on the situation on Neat FM in Accra on June 13, 2024, broadcaster and entertainment analyst Ola Michael slammed Shatta Wale’s manager Sammy Flex for mishandling the situation.

According to him, Sammy Flex’s comments were full of implications and allusions that Stonebwoy was behind the cancellation, which he said was misleading and instigating Shatta Wale, leading to a barrage of insults directed against Stonebwoy.

According to Ola Michael, the real confusion began with representatives of the TF Hostel, who falsified their intentions to the school authorities by claiming that they were organizing a karaoke instead of a concert. He claimed they misled Sammy Flex, who then misled Shatta Wale.

“Let’s not blame Shatta Wale for his outburst, but let’s blame his manager for his inability to handle his artist’s emotions. You saw what Sammy Flex said; he made a lot of insinuations and suggestive statements, giving the impression that Stonebwoy had influenced the cancellation of the concert.

“The people at TF Hostel instead misled Sammy Flex, and they misled the authorities by saying that they were planning to organize a karaoke party, while in the meantime, they were bringing in Shatta Wale. And as the dean said, if they were, they should make adequate preparations, just like they did for Stonebwoy,” he said.

Ola Michael further blamed Sammy Flex for his poor approach to handling the situation, including his failure to confirm the information with the Dean of Students and report the false information to Shatta Wale.

“Why would a manager arouse your artist’s emotions but not control them? Even when called, he would make statements like, “They said you couldn’t play.” That’s not the way it should have been said.

“Did he even bother to contact the dean of students to verify what the TF Hostel representatives told him? And he sat down for the artists to joke around,” he added.

With the facts now clear, Ola Michael wondered if Sammy Flex would apologize to Stonebwoy, Shatta Wale and others affected by the misinformation.

“Now that the truth is out, will he apologize to Stonebwoy? Will his artist apologize to Stonebwoy and everyone else he insulted? Will he also apologize to Shatta Wale for giving him false information?

“I think he needs to apologize to Stonebwoy and on behalf of his artist,” concluded Ola Michael.

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