
Samantha is ready for a sleepover

Pet of the week for June 15, 2024

Do you remember sweet Samantha? We introduced her to you last February, modeling the adorable pink pajamas that a fan had made to measure for her. It’s hard to believe that this happy girl who loves to smile is still at the shelter after over a year, so we decided to shine the spotlight on her again.

Alameda Post - Samantha the Adoptable Dog in Cartoon Illustration Snuggled in Bed with Stuffed Animals
Illustration by Amanda Laird. Photo FAAS.

Samantha beams with joy. Yes, she has been without a real home for much of her 2+ years, but that doesn’t stop her from being happy. She approaches almost every moment with enthusiasm and enjoys life with infectious enthusiasm.

FAAS volunteer Ileath Bridges describes Samantha as “silly, sweet and incredibly loving”. But because the shelter has been her home for so long, she had a hard time adjusting to being inside a house, especially when it came time to spend the night with a volunteer who hoped to help her s get used to the shelter. outside world. This always smiling young girl was so anxious that she had to return to the shelter.

Alameda Post - Samantha in pink felt pajamas Alameda Post - Samantha in pink felt pajamas
Sammy’s famous pajamas will come home to those who adopt them. FAAS photos.

Fortunately, things are improving and Samantha has started to acclimate to life outside of FAAS. She recently spent a very successful night at Ileath’s house, having spent the day with Ileath’s family shortly before. Ileath wrote some notes about his time with Samantha. Here are some of his observations and ideas, in his own words:

“Samantha loves kids, at least my 10 and 12 year old nephews did, when we met on a playdate a few months ago. …When I was at home, if I said no, she would listen. For example, there is a cat living in the house. My roommate has the master bedroom and that’s where the kitten mainly lives. So when Samantha would head out into the hallway, I would say “No” and she would happily come back into the living room or main part of the house. No qualms about it.

Alameda Post - Samantha the dog sits on the sidewalk and smiles at the camera.  She lies in the back of the car while the children lean on herAlameda Post - Samantha the dog sits on the sidewalk and smiles at the camera.  She lies in the back of the car while the children lean on her
Sammy is ready for a new chapter! FAAS photos.

“As for the night, it did better than I expected, honestly. She and I slept together on the couch. There were a few noises she wasn’t so sure about (the refrigerator, for example). She snuggled up to me and we slept most of the night with a few interruptions, but that’s normal in a new setting. It will just take him a little time. Having a place where she can run freely is also a good thing. …I have a large garden that is very suitable for this sort of thing. So she was quite happy about it.

Volunteers like Ileath and the FAAS staff who work directly with Samantha have helped this incredibly sweet pooch take enough baby steps that she is now ready to enter a forever home. Can you be her sleepover buddy forever? Her adorable pink pajamas come with her, and her adoption was sponsored, so there is no cost!

Meet Samantha every day except Monday, from noon to 4 p.m., at the shelter, 1590 Fortmann Way. See for yourself why the word “wigglebutt” was coined to describe such a happy pooch. And be ready: his joy is contagious!