
We need you to…

We need you to…

Google is integrating more artificial intelligence (AI) into its products, but the company knows this could lead to some errors. Despite this, it seems that Google wants to continue moving forward with new ideas. At a recent all-hands meeting, Liz Reid, Google’s new vice president of search, addressed this delicate balance, urging employees to continue taking risks while recognizing the potential for mistakes, according to audio obtained by CNBC.

Reid acknowledged that mistakes are inevitable as AI becomes more prevalent in Google search and other products. However, she encouraged employees to continue taking risks and coming up with new features, suggesting the company can fix issues as they are discovered by users and staff. “We need to take (risks) thoughtfully. We need to act urgently. When we discover new problems, we should do thorough testing, but we won’t always find everything,” she said during the the meeting, according to a CNBC report.

“It’s important that we don’t hold back features just because there might be occasional issues, but rather that we uncover the issues and fix them,” Reid said during the meeting, as reported by CNBC.

Google needs help from its employees to improve its AI tools. Google has taken steps to address issues with its AI products, with Reid noting in a blog post that the company has made more than a dozen technical improvements to the AI ​​Overview tool.

Despite extensive testing and a “red team” to identify vulnerabilities before launching AI products, Reid acknowledged the company will need to do more. “No matter how much we red team, we’re going to have to do more.” She also highlighted the challenges of understanding the quality and context of web page content and encouraged employees to report any issues they encounter.

She said some user requests were intentionally contradictory and many of the worst examples were fake, noting: “People have actually created models of how to get social engagement by creating fake AI previews , so that’s one more thing we’re thinking about. »

Google has also faced setbacks with other AI products, such as its Gemini chatbot and image generation tool, which have been criticized for inaccuracies and bias. However, Reid’s stance indicates that the company is committed to continuing to take risks and refine its AI offerings based on user and employee feedback.