
Stop the march towards fascism

Stop the march towards fascism

OK, this is a really big deal. As the political season unfolds, the question is not only who will win, but also who will win the 2024 election. Can we maintain the “republic” as bequeathed to us by Ben Franklin and company, or will we continue towards a model closer to Mussolini or Hitler? And no, it’s not just D versus R partisan politics – or personality differences.

Frankly, I’m not a big fan of Joe Biden, this person. He comes across as angry and authoritarian. His favorite word is “Look!” » then try to reject criticism, justified or not. He’s a hawk on foreign policy, having supported Bush’s unnecessary attack on Iraq in 2003. But he has his good side. He appears to be kind to those who have suffered losses, and he has years of government experience before being president. He’s a moderate who tries to propose government programs that help ordinary people, such as with student debt or lack of health care.

And his opponent? I can’t find anything good to say about Donald Trump. He was born into a wealthy and privileged background and was sent to the New York Military Academy. His political platforms are a mix of slogans that he thinks voters will embrace. And tax cuts for the rich. In this he is not much different from many Republicans – and some Democrats. But he is no ordinary Republican, and a number of Republican leaders oppose him.