
Dynamic Shliach leaves Clearwater inspired

Dynamic Shliach leaves Clearwater inspired

A month before Gimmel Tammuz’s 30th Hilula, Chabad of Clearwater and Chabad of Pinellas County hosted a special event to mark the occasion, led by dynamic Cheliah Rabbi Pinny Andrusier.

On Sunday 3 Sivan, one month after the 30 Hilula of Yom Hakodosh 3 Tammuz, Chabad of Clearwater and Chabad of Pinellas County hosted a special event to mark the occasion.

More than 50 men and women gathered for the event which took place at the Tabacinic Chabad Center in Clearwater, Florida. After enjoying an elaborate dairy brunch, guests headed to the Feldman Family Shul for the official portion of the program.

Director of Chabad of Pinellas County, Rabbi Pinchas Adler opened with the recitation of the Rebbe’s Kapitel Tehillim for the safety and well-being of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, as well as the safe return of the remaining hostages.

A Shepherd’s Care, a short JEM film highlighting the Rebbe’s attention to the needs of each individual, was then shown on the big screen.

Shliach to the Rabbi of Clearwater Levi Hodakov then introduced the morning’s keynote speaker, Rabbi Pinny Andrusiera dynamic shliach and director of Chabad of Southwest Broward, Florida.

Titled “Love and Leadership,” Rabbi Pinny inspired attendees with his talk about the Rebbe.

During his speech, Andrusier emphasized the Rebbe’s deep belief in every Jew, often more than he believes in himself. He shared a personal story about how he never thought he would end up becoming a Shliach, but the Rebbe’s faith in him proved transformative.

Sharing humorous stories and personal experiences from his more than 32 years as an emissary of Chabad in Cooper City, Florida, Andrusier demonstrated how the Rebbe’s faith, encouragement and continued blessings have guided him for 30 years in a caravan until today I have one. one of the most unique Chabad centers in the country, a beautiful 6.5-acre lakefront campus featuring a Mikvah, a Yeshiva for teens, a hotel and a newly constructed preschool.

He concluded by encouraging all participants to take upon themselves an additional Mitzvah in homage to the Rebbe. Visibly moved by the message, many men in attendance immediately lined up after the lecture to put on Tefillin with local Shluchim.

It didn’t take long for the feedback to arrive. Lisa wrote: “I really enjoyed listening to Rabbi Pinny yesterday!!! » Another attendee texted Hodakov: “Thank you for a wonderful event. The speaker was incredible, he made me cry.

Chabad of Clearwater is currently holding its annual raffle with a grand prize of $10,000 and the top prize, a vacation for up to 4 people on beautiful Clearwater Beach. Log in to: to participate.


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