
Summer begins with dangerous heat this week: are you ready?

Summer begins with dangerous heat this week: are you ready?

This week marks the official start of summer as high levels of heat and humidity take hold across the Midwest. The FEMA Region 5 Chicago office encourages everyone to make sure they are #SummerReady by taking a few simple steps to stay safe.

“High temperatures are not only uncomfortable; they can be downright dangerous,” said Tom Sivak, regional administrator for FEMA Region 5. “Although certain populations, such as young children, outdoor workers and the elderly, may be particularly vulnerable, extreme heat can affect us all. Make a plan to stay safe and cool, then check in with family, friends, and neighbors to make sure they’re staying safe and cool, too.

Don’t be caught off guard as highs reach new heights this week.

· Watch for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a list of warning signs and symptoms of heat illness along with recommended first aid measures.

· Stay indoors as much as possible and limit exposure to the sun. If you don’t have access to air conditioning in your home, find places in your community that have air conditioning, such as a local cooling center, library, or shopping center.

· Keep your home as cool as possible. For example, approximately 40% of unwanted heat buildup in our homes comes from windows. Use awnings or curtains to keep heat out, and check weather stripping on doors and windows to keep cool air in.

· If you must be outside, find shade. Avoid strenuous activities, cover your head with a hat large enough to protect your face, and wear loose, light, light-colored clothing.

· Drink plenty of water, even if you are not thirsty.

· NEVER leave people or animals in a parked car.

· Consider animal safety. If they are outside, make sure they have plenty of fresh water and access to comfortable shade. Asphalt and dark sidewalks can be very hot for your pet’s feet.

Finally, follow directions from local and state officials for the location of cooling centers and other resources when available during intense heat.

FEMA’s #SummerReady public education effort is designed to reach all communities with simple, accessible, and culturally competent messages about extreme heat throughout the summer. For more information and tips for preparing for extreme heat, visit and