
Silence in the face of religious excesses is unacceptable

The malicious and intentional and premeditated intrusion of a malicious individual posing as a preacher does not appear to have aroused enough outrage.

The majority of followers who share this preacher’s faith – and who are by far extremely good people – are, I’m sure, embarrassed by his approach.

Yet one must wonder why there is not a deluge of condemnation of this preacher’s conduct.

Perhaps these good people, who would otherwise oppose his approach, are mired in uncertainty. They may feel intimidated and threatened by the blatantly deafening silence of the government and its security, educational and religious institutions.

Perhaps it is due to spinelessness, ignorance, or, God forbid, fear of doing what is morally and ethically right.

The moral quality of leadership that represents a faith with dignity and honor is compromised. The lack of justice in this matter erodes the esteem with which the faith is held.

Any faith can be sullied by the silence of those who do not denounce excesses. In this case, silence can be interpreted as punishing this preacher and those like him.

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No matter how much we defend a faith in its teachings or preaching, what really matters is how we live as worthy ambassadors of our own faith.

Unfortunately, few demonstrate the courage necessary to shine the light of their faith in an inspiring way. The simple humanity that defends others seems absent.

We are besieged by the same treadmill of problems. Illegal manipulative conversions, surveillance, flexing the muscles of religious superiority and bigotry are all long-standing problems. There are already too many things to manage.

Some religious people may feel outraged and cry foul.

The question is how long can we hide behind this?

The fact is that some preachers hurt others when they use their faith as a weapon in the most reprehensible ways.

There should be no immunity or untouchability when religion is abused and misused to harm others. This is indefensible, especially when vulnerable and defenseless people are the prey.

We should not excuse the inexcusable and accept the unacceptable.

Ultimately, who (or what) is at fault?

  • Faith and its teachings?
  • Or unethical preachers?
  • Or those who remain silent and helpless in the face of blatant abuse?

These last two parties do not honor their faith. This is the reality we face. The implications are detrimental in the long term if the negative aspects are not discussed and dismantled. The horrible thing is that this problem keeps repeating itself.

I’m sure no one has gathered analytics data on conversions through coercion or deception. When a conversion is not approached or carried out in the right spirit, there will always be doubts about either faith, character, or character and faith.

If the message sent is without nobility or value, it becomes such a cheap marketing product that it is relegated to the equivalent of bartering and trading goods on a five-foot path.

It would be despicable and undignified. Is this really acceptable?

Does every follower of the faith carry the weight and burden of collective shame and dishonor if nothing is done? Some, impaled by a false sense of dignity, will criticize the messenger, as they may view this as a personal attack on their faith.

If something is so personal and precious to us, shouldn’t it be protected and nurtured? Each of us should ask ourselves the introspective question: what justifies this?

Is there a justice in the faith or is there an injustice that manifests itself in not representing it well, so that the faith can then be subject to abuse by others ?

The unethical conduct of some preachers is intolerable and unacceptable.

There is a clear sense that our integration as a nation is not based on a holistic platform of unity in equality. Instead, we see a manipulation of race and an emphasis on religious inequality.

This is a slow fuse that must be extinguished if we are not to be morally compromised as a people. Otherwise, it could well spell the end of a nation. Once fragmented and torn apart, there is nothing anyone can do.

None of us who have faith can claim the treasures of its wisdom, its values, its strength and its beauty if we do not possess the virtues necessary to live what that faith demands of us.

Providential justice is not an abstract concept belonging to the beyond. If we do not take the necessary steps in this life to guarantee it, we risk abandoning the promise of peace.

The views expressed in Aliran’s statements to the media and in statements by NGOs we have supported reflect Aliran’s official position. The views and opinions expressed in other articles published here do not necessarily reflect the official position of Aliran.

RAKYAT AGENDA – Lima perkara utama

  1. Tegakkan maruah serta kualiti kehidupan rakyat
  2. Galakkan pembangunan saksama, lestari serta tangani krisis alam sekitar
  3. Raikan kerencaman and keterangkuman
  4. Selamatkan demokrasi et angkatkan keluhuran undang-undang
  5. Lawan rasuah and kronism
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Dominique DamienDominique Damien

Aliran member Dominic Damian is a poet, music educator, composer, instrumentalist-singer recording spiritual and social songs – and parent to five young lives.