
Pet owner is crushed by the death of his cat and a friend informs him that he will not see each other again in the afterlife

Pet owner is crushed by the death of his cat and a friend informs him that he will not see each other again in the afterlife

DEAR ABBY: My cat recently passed away and it devastated me. He has been my emotional support through some of the most difficult times of my life: broken relationships, moving to different states, deaths in my family, lonely nights battling depression. My cat was my only constant source of peace and companionship. I miss him very much.

When I mentioned to a few friends that I looked forward to meeting him one day in the “afterlife,” a religious friend scoffed and laughed.

She then told me that cats don’t have souls and that I shouldn’t hope to ever see him again. I managed a slight shrug and changed the subject, but on the way home I was depressed thinking about what she had said.

After further research, I found out that according to Catholicism she was right and that animals do not have souls, which broke my heart again. Should I consult a religious counselor or continue to believe that I will see my cat again?

I have to think that people who have no friends or family but have beloved pets will find them. Many times, our pets are the only family we have. — MY CAT IS MISSING IN GEORGIA

DEAR MISSING: Your friend was insensitive to deny you the comfort of believing that your soul would be reunited with that of your beloved cat.

There are many religions, and not all subscribe to the same philosophies. If you need reassurance, discuss it with your own religious advisor who I’m sure has had a similar conversation with many in his flock.

PS My personal philosophy is that my soul will find the one I want once I lose this earthly shell.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or PO Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.