
Ready. Together. Ladder. Growth Tips from a Successful Startup Sunday Swagger | CO

Small business owners looking to grow need to focus on three things: innovation, adaptation, and connection.

This episode of CO—’s event series, Ready. Together. Ladder. focused on customer engagement trends and expert advice from a business owner who counts many celebrities and influencers among his company’s clientele.

  • Mark Carmona, founder and president of golf apparel brand Sunday Swagger, shared his business journey and tips for spotting opportunities for growth and expansion.
  • CO— Vice President and Editor-in-Chief Jeanette Mulvey and Editorial Director of Features Barbara Thau discussed what small businesses can learn from how big brands are currently engaging their audiences.

Growth strategies from Sunday Swagger’s meteoric success

In a conversation with Mulvey, Carmona explained how Sunday Swagger was able to retain its fans while seizing unexpected expansion opportunities. Here are some tips for small businesses based on his experience.

Prioritize real engagement over social media sales

When Adam Sandler wore one of Sunday Swagger’s shirts, it led to a significant increase in the brand’s visibility. The company quickly took advantage of this situation by creating related content, repositioning the product on its website, and running targeted ads.

“Our social media platform is there to entertain and not necessarily to sell,” Carmona emphasized. “Over time, if you entertain, you will get engagement…(and) subscribers, and those subscribers can eventually turn into customers.”

Be adaptable, but make data-driven decisions

Carmona explained how initial assumptions about their target demographic were adjusted based on information from social media ads and customer interactions. Small businesses need to take calculated risks and be flexible.

In Carmona’s experience, this flexibility is key: Companies shouldn’t stick strictly to initial plans but rather take calculated risks based on data, he said.

Have Strategies to Engage Customers During Your “Low Season”

Businesses can counter seasonal crises by creating special moments and experiences for customers throughout the year.

For Sunday Swagger, launching polo shirts themed around specific events or holidays, like the Winter Olympics or National Bloody Mary Day, has helped drive sales during slower times. Selective discount and sales opportunities, such as Black Friday, can also help maintain a steady revenue stream throughout the year.

One of Carmona’s best tips is to have a thirst for knowledge within your company.

“Always learn (and) stay on top of things,” he said. (If) you are not, your competitors are, and you will be left behind.

Over time, if you entertain, you will get engagement… (and) subscribers, and those subscribers can eventually turn into customers.

Mark Carmona, Founder and President, Sunday Swagger

The power of authentic engagement with your target audience

Thau and Mulvey highlighted three recent CO features that show how modern brands of all sizes and industries are finding innovative ways to connect with their audiences and what small businesses can learn from them.

Fashion brand Marimekko evolves its “anti-fashion philosophy” for Gen Z

Marimekko, a 73-year-old Finnish fashion brand, gained popularity when First Lady Jackie Kennedy wore its designs during the 1960 presidential election.

More than 60 years later, Marimekko’s bold floral designs target younger consumers in the American market. Operating under an “anti-fashion philosophy,” the brand rejects traditional fashion trends and opts for originality, which resonates well with Gen Z.

“Nowadays it’s about being like yourself, individuality, inclusiveness (and) timeless design,” Thau said.

Small business owners looking for this type of long-term success can follow Marimekko’s strategy of adopting a unique brand identity, engaging influencers in their respective fields, and forming partnerships to increase visibility.

Read the entire article: How Marimekko’s “anti-fashion” philosophy appeals to a new generation of consumers

Mental health and wellbeing is a priority for brands across industries

Consumer mental health has become a priority for brands outside of the health and wellness sectors. Last year, dating app Bumble incorporated new profile prompts and interest badges dedicated to self-care after a survey found 55% of its users felt it was important to discuss mental health to create real connections.

Around the same time, Ulta Beauty launched The Joy Project, in partnership with Mel Robbins, to combat inner critic and negative self-talk. Starting with store associates, the initiative aimed to provide tools to identify inner critics, disrupt negative thought patterns, and help others do the same.

“You don’t have to be a big brand to (incorporate emotional well-being),” Mulvey said. “If you run a small business and you have customers…maybe the first thing you say to a customer is, ‘How are you?’ (Think) about how people feel a little more.

Read the entire article: How everyday brands market well-being

Lockerverse capitalizes on the phenomenon of fandom-fueled commerce

Digital Sports Community Lockerverse offers the ultimate fan community: a way for athletes of all levels to share content, sell products, and create digital and in-person experiences.

Thau explained that the platform bridges the social gap between fans and athletes, and both parties can monetize their interactions. But the model of creating connections and promoting dialogue extends beyond sport. Small businesses in any industry can use Lockerverse’s example to build communities and facilitate more consumer interactions to capitalize on.

Read the entire article: How a digital sports disruptor is redefining fandom

Apply today for the CO—100!

Is your small business one of the best in America? Apply to our premier small business awards program, CO—100, today to be recognized and rewarded. One hundred companies will be honored and one company will receive $25,000. Apply here!

CO— aims to inspire you from leading, respected experts. However, before making any business decisions, you should consult a professional who can advise you based on your individual situation.
