
THE FRONT ROOM Horror Movie Trailer Focuses on the Baddest Stepmother of All – GeekTyrant

A24 has released the trailer for a nasty new horror thriller titled The front roomand it looks like it’s about a twisted stepmother from hell.

The front room The story is about a young, newly pregnant couple who are forced to take in a sick and estranged mother-in-law. “The incomparable Brandy returns to horror in a legendary showdown against Catherine Hunterthe meanest mother-in-law of all.

The synopsis reads: “Everything goes to hell for newly pregnant Belinda (Brandy) after her stepmother (Hunter) moves in. As the evil guest tries to get its claws on the child, Belinda has to draw the line somewhere. ..”

As you’ll see, things quickly get pretty dark and scary. I wonder if this is based on a true story! In my experience, it wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case.

The front room is written and directed by Max Eggers (co-author of Lighthouse) And Sam Eggers. They are the director’s brothers Robert Eggers (The witch, Lighthouse, The Northerner, Nosferatu), and they worked with him on a few of those films.

The film also stars Andrew Burnap And Neil Huff. It will be released in theaters on September 6, 2024.