
Chinese actor Chen Xiao remains silent amid divorce rumors from his actress wife of 4 years, Michelle Chen.

By Nhu Anh June 22, 2024 | 6:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Chinese actor Chen Xiao has refused to comment on divorce rumors from Taiwanese actress Michelle Chen, four years his senior.

Their marriage, which lasted 8 years, has become a trending topic on Weibo several times since the beginning of this week. According to Ifeng, Chen has been seeking to split since late last year and agreed to share a significant portion of his assets with Michelle. After their separation, their son would be in Michelle’s custody.

On Michelle’s birthday this year (May 31), Chen didn’t publicly send his wishes to her like he had in previous years, and Michelle hasn’t visited him on set in over a year. Chen and Michelle have remained quiet about the status of their marriage.

ChatGPT Michelle Chen's family celebrated her birthday in 2023. Photo from Michelle's Weibo

Michelle Chen’s family celebrated her birthday in 2023. Photo from Michelle’s Weibo

Chen and Michelle first met while starring in the TV series “The Romance of the Condor Heroes” and married in 2016. Since then, Michelle has reduced her work hours to focus on education of their children and managing the household, while Chen is active in her acting career.

In a 2022 interview with The iconChen praised Michelle’s intelligence, knowledge and resourcefulness, recognizing her role in caring for their family and raising their children, which allowed her to focus on her career.

Michelle, 41, gained wide recognition for her role in the 2011 romantic film “You’re the Apple of My Eye.”

Chen, 37, is well known for his roles in the TV series “The Legend of Lu Zhen”, “The Romance of the Condor Heroes”, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, “Healer of Children” and “A Dream Of Splendor” . “.