
MSNBC hosts report on Biden’s inner circle ‘panicked’ over school dropout

Several MSNBC hosts reported Thursday evening that members of the president Joe Biden The circle and the Democratic Party were ‘panicked’ by his performance in the CNN debate against the former president Donald Trump and we discussed what to do next.

Following the debate, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow noted: “It was difficult to hear what he was saying because his voice was so weak and his hesitant speech in his first responses must have created a shock in the campaign. »

MSNBC Host Nicole Wallace He then revealed: “I was on the phone for part of the conversation after this became clear and there’s a conversation happening within Biden’s circle, and certainly a much more frank conversation happening within the Democratic coalition, and I think there’s going to be stories of a lot of concern about tonight’s performance.”

After Maddow asked exactly what type of conversations were taking place, Wallace responded that “the conversations range from whether he should run this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with him.”

MSNBC Host Joy Reid revealed that she had heard similar concerns:

I, too, spent a good part of the debate on the phone with people from Obama’s world, with Democrats, with people who are political operatives, with campaign operatives. My phone never stopped vibrating and the universal reaction was close to panic. People who were texting me were very concerned that President Biden seemed extremely weak, extremely weak, and I’m just going to repeat what I said earlier. President Biden had one task tonight, one main task, and yes, that was to make the case for the criminality of Donald Trump and all these things, but he had to sort out his own party. He had to settle scores with the Democrats.

She explained:

Joe Biden’s job tonight was to reassure them. His job was to calm his party, to make them feel, “Yes, I can do this. I have four more years. I have the capacity and the stamina and the strength to do four more years.” He didn’t do that. He did the opposite. He made them more panicked. The people who texted me were more panicked. In fact, they expected things to be better than they were, and now they’re in, I won’t say full-on panic, but they’re getting there.

“I know for a fact that Joe Biden believes passionately that he’s the only person who can beat Donald Trump, and he has the evidence because he’s already done it,” Reid said. “He knows that he has a certain demographic strength that Donald Trump can’t counter. It’s the real working-class white male that is really Donald Trump’s space, so he knows how to talk to them. He believes that he’s the only one who can do it.”

However, she concluded: “The problem is that after tonight, his party no longer believes in it.”

Watch above via MSNBC.

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