
Shadow Keep Walkthrough (Main Gate) – Elden Ring Guide

Shadow Keep Walkthrough (Main Gate) – Elden Ring Guide

Once the knight is dead, you can explore the room he was in where you will find the Left hand weapon on a corpse. Do not climb off the ledge here unless you need to return to the grace site.

Return to the stairs and go up to the next platform. Here, four Messmer soldiers are waiting, two of whom will notice you as you move forward. Deal with the first two before ambushing the other two, then collect the Rainbow Stone x6 from the ledge before climbing the next staircase.

This leads to a dining room where two more Black Knights wait. I recommend baiting the Shield Knight and getting him out of the room to the lower platform so you can fight him one-on-one. Remember, these guys can throw out fast shield slams and slow mace moves. You want to stand back and wait for the mace hits before launching into an attack.

Return to the dining room and carefully approach the other knight, who will shoot with a bow. Hit him with as many attacks as possible while he switches to his twin blade, then back away if he tries to launch a combo. Once the knights are dead, collect the Rune of the Realm of Shadows 6 next to the fireplace, and the Golden Wish from the ledge on the right side of the room.

Exit through the door in the back corner. This leads to a long rampart where there are a group of burning boats. Take it Holyproof marinated liver take off from the ground straight ahead, then go right towards the ships.

This area is full of enemy militiamen, the same ones from the base game, waiting to ambush you. These guys are small and fast, but also quite weak and stagger easily. Stand back and wait for them to jump on you, then counter it with your own attack. The only real threat is if they attack you in a large group, so take them on one by one if you can.