
Letter: Louisiana, consider the Beatitudes

Louisiana Governor Requires Display of the Ten Commandments in All Classrooms. So bizzare.

Not because it’s unconstitutional, but because it’s so unnecessary. After all, regardless of our religion or lack thereof, most of us are pretty sure that killing someone is a bad idea, that lusting after our brother’s wife won’t end well, that smearing our neighbors has a drawback. Most of us believe that our parents should be revered and honored and so on.

Hey, Louisiana? Here’s a better idea. Demand that all children know the Beatitudes by heart. After all, these are direct words spoken by Christ in the Bible. Additionally, our country needs a refresher course on the core messages of the New Testament. Here are some of them: 1) Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they will go to heaven. 2) Blessed are the meek. 3) Blessed are the merciful. 4) Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake – my favorite.

I can’t help but smile at the thought of our Christian nationalists saying these words without, well, a smirk. Of course it won’t – these 2,000 year old messages are too “woke”.

Charles Miller

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