
Meet 2025 Draft Prospect Ashton Miller-Melancon, DB, Queen’s

Meet 2025 Draft Prospect Ashton Miller-Melancon, DB, Queen’s

Meet 2025 Draft Prospect Ashton Miller-Melancon, DB, Queen’s
Queen’s University defensive back Ashton Miller-Melancon met with Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot.
  • Name: Ashton Miller-Melançon
  • Position: Defensive back
  • College: Queen’s University
  • Height: 6’03”
  • Weight: 200lbs
  • Twitter:@MélanconMiller
  • Instagram: ashton_mm24

What makes you one of the top prospects at your position in the 2025 NFL Draft?

The things that make me one of the top defensive prospects in the 2025 NFL Draft are my football IQ, playmaking, and versatility. When it comes to my football IQ, I have spent countless hours studying the game of football, making sure I fully understand the responsibilities of not only my position group, but the entire defense, as well as have a great awareness of what the offensive could be depending on the situation. My in-depth film studies and grade reviews put me ahead of other players in understanding the game of football. One of my best abilities is my game. I believe any ball thrown my way is my ball, I constantly go up and challenge receivers when the ball is in the air and win the majority of the time. I’ve led Usports in steals since arriving at Queen’s three years ago, and that has allowed my team and I to have a lot of success defensively. Finally, I am a very versatile player. I have experience and have had success playing all defensive back positions. I am a player who excels in man coverage as well as when I pass back into the zone. I can also play in the box and be disruptive in the front 7. I am a capable blitzer, gap filler, low zone, high zone and man coverage player who can help a team in any situation. facet.

What is one thing NFL teams should know about you?

NFL teams should know that I am the hardest worker in any room and on any field. I believe that how you do one thing is how you do everything, so I try to emulate that by working and spending everything in every aspect of my life. Whether in the classroom, in the weight room, in the meeting room or on the field, I will be the hardest worker there. In the meeting room, I take detailed notes on everything the coaches say, so I can make sure I understand and remember every facet of the defense and game plan. On the training ground, I lead the exercises and set an example for the other players on the team. I always give my best effort whenever I get the chance, and that often helps push and motivate the players. After training I stay to do extra work and I also do extra work before training. I do everything in my power to give myself an advantage over others. In class, I take every lesson very seriously and I never miss class. This helped me achieve a 4.20 GPA throughout my college career.

If you could donate to just one cause in the world, what would it be?

I would choose to make a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society. People close to me have been affected by this disease and I would like to do everything I can to advance research and create a lasting cure.

Who was your role model?

My role model growing up was my father. He was an athlete growing up who pushed me to start and excel in football. He showed me the sacrifices it takes to succeed in anything and he always put his family before his own wants and needs, which was extremely admirable. I also really admired my father-in-law, Kevin. He taught me many lessons about what it took to be successful and how to make a positive impact in life. He has also been an integral part of my football journey and my ability to continue playing football at my current level.

Who is your favorite NFL team?

My favorite NFL team is the San Francisco 49ers.

Who is the most underrated teammate at your school?

The most underrated teammate has to be Jared Siewe. He’s our boundary corner and he’s a phenomenal player. He’s one of the most athletic guys I’ve ever met, he’s extremely technical when he plays and always knows what to do in every situation presented to him. There is no one on the team I trust more. I think he will have a great 2024 season.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

My biggest pet peeve is when people complain about their results or their situation, but don’t actively try to do things to improve themselves and their situation. I don’t like it when people expect to be given things, rather than having to work and earn their results and their position.

Who is your favorite teacher?

My favorite teacher is my 7th-9th grade math teacher, Mrs. Holloway. She really took the time to get to know her students and develop great relationships with them. It was always fun going to his class.

Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the most difficult moment in your life to overcome?

The hardest time in my life to overcome was when I wasn’t recruited to play football after high school. I was on a bad team in high school and the college scouts were not actively recruiting players for my team. As the recruiting cycle progressed, I received no interest from any schools and had no opportunities to build a team. It was a very difficult time, as I saw many people I grew up with being recruited, and I felt I was overlooked and undervalued. At that moment, I decided to play one last season of city football and take advantage of the opportunity given to me to show that I was a great player capable of progressing to the next level. I worked harder than ever that summer and had a great season, which allowed me to be recruited to play in college and continue my football career.

If you could have a franchise restaurant in your home, what would it be?

The franchise restaurant I would choose is Chick-fil-A.

What is your favorite snack?

My favorite snack is Beef Jerky.

What is your diploma?

My degree is an Honors Bachelor of Health Studies and I also have a minor in Labor Relations.

If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

If I had this opportunity, I would choose my grandfather, Ed Reed and Chadwick Boseman. I would choose my grandfather because he passed away only 2 weeks before I was born, so I never got to meet him and develop a relationship with someone that everyone in my family speaks so highly of. It would be amazing if I could have this opportunity.

I would choose Ed Reed because he is one of the best safeties the NFL has ever seen, and I would love the chance to pick his brain and develop a better understanding of the game from such a legend .

I would choose Chadwick Boseman because he was one of my favorite actors growing up. 42 and Black Panther were some of my favorite films and I would appreciate the opportunity to ask him about his life experiences and just have a conversation with such a legendary character.

What is your greatest weakness?

My biggest weakness would be that I sometimes think too much. As I complete a task, I try to think of all the possible angles and perspectives one can have, which leads me to debate and overthink which angle I should take and which I should focus on. I’m also a bit of a perfectionist, so I overthink certain things I do because I’m afraid they won’t be perfect and therefore incorrect. However, over my years I have learned to just trust my instincts, trust myself and the situation I am in so I can think less.
