
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind developer details the games that inspired it

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind developer details the games that inspired it

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind was confirmed for Switch recently, and it brings an all-new adventure with an original storyline that respects and remixes the history of Power Rangers with storylines and gameplay that will be both familiar and new to MMPR fans. Players will brawl, blast, fight, and drive through an ever-changing mix of classic game genres and fan-favorite moments from the series.

A look at the game shows that it aims to bring back the feeling of 16-bit beat ’em-ups from decades ago, but are you wondering which games in particular the developers are looking to pay homage to? Time Extension spoke with Dan Amrich, Content Editor at Digital Eclipse, to get some insight.

The Rangers games from the 16-bit era certainly had a strong influence. But since we’re going straight back to the ’90s, we also took inspiration from arcade games that would have been playable back when the series aired, like Capcom’s Final Fight and the 6-player X-Men coin-op game , as well as Konami’s Teenage. Mutant Ninja Turtles games – and you know we know everything about them! In the modern era, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge shows how you can take a beloved genre like an arcade fighting game and keep it fresh and dynamic. We’re not the only ones who think Tribute Games has done a fantastic job in this area.

(Dan Amrich, Content Editor at Digital Eclipse)