
A woman stops at a traffic light, shocked by what a stranger is wearing: “Oof!”

There are times when we can’t avoid being made of the same wood as everyone else, as one woman discovered when she was shocked to see her image in a mirror standing at a crosswalk.

But commenters on her viral post were pleasantly surprised and impressed. One of them just said “phew,” which seems to sum up the situation perfectly.

One of the best aspects of fashion is our ability to take objects and add a bit of our own personality to them, creating a personal style.

While personal style is personal, sometimes trends take over, meaning not all of our outfit ideas can be completely original. While this is inevitable, the chances of us encountering someone wearing the exact same outfit as you are extremely low, but not impossible.

Unfortunately for a woman from the United Kingdom named Emelia Conner, this impossible moment came true at a crossroads on a day trip, when her cute hairstyle quickly became something of her “basic white girl” nightmares. “.

Filming her “#basic” outfit from above, it wasn’t until the camera panned upwards that we realized what was happening, revealing the woman standing in front of her sporting the exact same look, even right down to the shoes.

Knowing the moment was too rare not to record, she had to capture it on camera and shared the video on TikTok (@emeliaconner), where it has garnered over 3.5 million views and 325,000 likes since it was shared on the social media platform in early May. .

The text on screen summed up how she felt about the situation, writing “tell me you’re a basic white girl who shops at Zara and wears Sambas without telling me.”

While she would have preferred not to be caught marrying a complete stranger, the couple were clearly on top of the latest trends. They both wore Adidas sneakers, one of the biggest shoe trends right now, along with white cargo pants in anticipation of the summer season and a must-have quilted Zara bomber jacket to complete the pieces that we’re sure are on many people’s wish lists.

A woman crosses the road at a red light
Something catches the eye of a woman standing at a traffic light. A woman went viral with her video of the moment she stood behind a woman wearing the exact same outfit while waiting…

Iryna Melnyk/Getty Images

What do the comments say?

The comments section further proved the popularity of Conner’s fashion choice, as one wrote, “I’m looking at this with the exact same jacket and I’m wearing Sambas.”

“I’ve literally seen like 20 girls wearing this exact cut at the airport,” added another.

Summarizing the fashion phenomenon in a single word, one user simply wrote “oof.”

One user turned what could be an awkward fashion moment into a positive personal style, sharing: “I always think it’s funny when I meet a stranger in public, it’s like confirmation that we’re all two beautiful ones.”

“This is what happens when you wear the hottest trends.” » wrote another, reassuring Conners: “this is a good overview!