
Analysis of Sacha Boisvert’s diverse skillset and strong winger style

Analysis of Sacha Boisvert’s diverse skillset and strong winger style

There is no shortage of highly skilled or versatile players, but players fitting both descriptions are rare.

Sacha Boisvert is one of them.

There isn’t an area of ​​the game he doesn’t impact. He creates chances, scores goals, wins battles, blocks the opposition, and much more.

And Boisvert does most things at a high level. He doesn’t just create chances; he creates passing lanes and connects with a flow of highlights. He doesn’t just score goals; he shoots from a distance and marks them in a translatable way. He doesn’t just win battles; he crushes his opponents then creates offense.

It’s this combination that makes Boisvert one of the most exciting prospects in the draft.

Handling, physicality and fast possession play

Boisvert has a diverse skill set, but the point guard