
Stephen King’s message to former White House press secretary goes viral

Horror author Stephen King slammed former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany after she criticized President Joe Biden’s immigration policies.

Donald Trump and other Republicans have condemned Biden’s border policies amid a surge in clashes on the southern border since he took office, while the outgoing president accused Trump of deliberately trying to escalate the situation by blocking a bipartisan border security bill earlier this year.

Immigration will be at the heart of debates between Biden and Trump on Thursday evening, in the first of their two one-on-one debates. There was a lot of media buzz ahead of the meeting, after CNN and NBC reported that 400 migrants had crossed the US-Mexico border thanks to a smuggling network linked to the terrorist group ISIS.

During an appearance on the Fox News show Outnumberedpanelist McEnany, who served in the Trump administration from April 2020 to January 2021, discussed the reports, with both networks citing unnamed U.S. officials.

However, King – who frequently criticizes the Republican politician on social media – has since accused her of lying.

News week emailed spokespeople for King and McEnany for comment Thursday.

The critically acclaimed author who wrote He And Carrieshared a post from McEnany on X (formerly Twitter) and wrote: “Kayleigh, this is a bunch of lies.”

At the time of writing, the post had been viewed 176,000 times.

In the video shared by McEnany, she spoke about the southern border during her appearance on Outnumbered.

“What a failure, what a failure. When you look at the number of people who have crossed the southern border, including escapades, it’s more than 5 million,” she said on her show. “And it’s just the southwest border, so the number is higher and what dismays me, do we have a monitoring system?

“They say we have a screening system, but it doesn’t appear that is the case. Several women have been killed. Now we are looking for migrants who are apparently linked to ISIS, but here is the cherry on the top cake of all this data. shared with you a White House memo that they just released from Andrew Bates.

Stephen King
Stephen King attends Meet the Creators at the Apple Store Soho in New York on June 3, 2013. He called former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany online.

Jim Spellman/WireImage

According to McEnany, the memo says Biden took “decisive executive action and as a result, illegal encounters at the border have plummeted.”

She added: “They are literally bragging today at the White House about what they did.”

McEnany furthered her argument in the caption of her post, which read: “The White House today released a memo boasting about Biden’s immigration policies, saying he took ‘decisive’ action “. New York Times also reported that Biden plans to “go on the offensive” on immigration during the debate.

“How can you commit a crime when women and girls have been killed because of your border policy?”

Although she did not specify which deaths she was referring to, since Biden became president, a number of women have been killed by immigrants, and those stories have made headlines. The women include Rachel Morin, who was allegedly raped and murdered by undocumented migrant Victor Martinez Hernandez in August 2023, and Ruby Garcia, who was found dead on the side of US 131 in Grand Rapids on March 22. Estrada was arrested and charged with five counts of first-degree murder.

Although McEnany may have accused the White House of “bragging,” Biden suspended the processing of asylum applications with an executive order to “take control of the border” on June 5.

Arrests for illegal border crossings fell by more than 40 percent during the three-week suspension of asylum processing, according to the Department of Homeland Security. The Border Patrol’s seven-day daily average of apprehensions fell below 2,400, the lowest figure since Jan. 17, 2021, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Border apprehensions were down 25% last week according to Biden, and have now fallen further. Authorities say the seven-day daily average of apprehensions in the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector was just under 600 on Tuesday, down from just under 1,200 on June 2.