
Silent Yachts to deliver 18 new yachts in 18 months

Quiet yachts is poised for significant growth, with plans to deliver 18 new yachts over the next 18 months. The company has already launched the first Silent 62 3-Deck in spring 2024 and aims to deliver seven more of the same model by the end of the year. The shipyard in Fano, Italy, is operating at full capacity, with a workforce of 180 people dedicated to achieving these ambitious goals.

First launch of the three-stage Silent 62. Photo by Alessandro Guerrieri

By the end of 2024, Silent Yachts will have delivered eight new Silent 62 3-Deck catamarans. The production schedule for 2025 includes eight additional Silent 62 3-Decks and the first two Silent 80s. Despite high demand, a few build slots remain available for 2025.

“This is a really exciting time for Silent Yachts,” said CEO Fabrizio Iarrera. “The volume of orders and interest shown at boat shows indicate that the Silent 62 has captured the imagination of sustainability-minded boaters. We are proud to offer three striking variants of this model: a retractable flybridge, an open three-deck and a true spacious three-deck.

The Cannes Yachting Festival in September 2024 will be a major showcase for Silent Yachts, with the world premieres of the Silent 62 3-Deck Open and the Silent 62 3-Deck Closed. These models are expected to attract a lot of attention, especially the fully glazed upper deck of the enclosed variant, which makes a luxurious addition to the interior space.

Work on the Silent 80 model continues, with a planned debut at the Cannes Yachting Festival in 2025. Silent Yachts plans to deliver two 80-footers by the end of 2025 and is also developing a new model to fit between the 62 and 80 in their range, planned for a debut in 2026.

First launch of the Silent 62 3-Deck. Photo by Alessandro Guerrieri

To support this growth, Silent Yachts plans to increase its workforce to 220 employees by the end of 2024 and to 270 by mid-2025, to be able to meet the growing demand for its innovative solar-powered yachts.

Silent-Yachts produces the world’s first fully solar-powered production ocean catamarans. They are powered exclusively by solar energy and capable of traveling up to 100 miles per day. In 2009, founders Heike and Michael Köhler, who spent 6,000 days sailing more than 75,000 miles around the world, launched the Solarwave 46, the first fully autonomous ocean-going catamaran after years of solar propulsion testing, and they have been building boats ever since.

Credits: Quiet yachts