
Beazley Security launches its MXDR offer

Beazley Security was formed this week as an integrated cyber risk management company, offering a portfolio of services including a new Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) service. The new company is the result of a merger, initially announced in Februarybetween insurance company Beazley’s internal cybersecurity services team and its wholly-owned cybersecurity company, Lodestone.

Beazley Security plans to integrate the risk management services included under a Beazley cyber insurance policy with Lodestone’s technical cybersecurity services. The combined company will provide integrated cyber attack preparedness and response capabilities. Other core offerings will include a range of professional services to help customers prepare to defend against cyberattacks, as well as incident response, forensic analysis and recovery after an attack. The MXDR service will also provide always-on monitoring and advanced capabilities to quickly identify and contain threats, the company said.

The new company integrates the risk management services provided under a Beazley cyber insurance policy with Lodestone’s technical cybersecurity services. Beazley Security will provide cyberattack preparedness and response capabilities and will invest in new services, such as a managed extended detection and response (mXDR) solution that provides 24-hour monitoring, enabling rapid threat identification and containment.

Beazley Security will be led by Alton Kizziah, currently CEO of Lodestone. He will report to Paul Bantick, global head of cyber risk at Beazley.