
Congratulations – and a message – to the class of 2024 | Editorials

It’s time to honor the Class of 2024 and all of our region’s graduates. Every year, graduation brings its share of emotions that include both happiness and sadness. It is the joy of a loved one reaching an important milestone on life’s journey, coupled with the sadness of knowing that he or she is closer to leaving the safety net of home, whether it be l college, a career, the armed forces or another adventure. It’s a bittersweet moment, but those celebrating the Class of 2024 should take the time to appreciate the moment, because they’ll never go through this again.

Graduates should celebrate their graduation with family and friends, then take a deep breath. The future is now and your success in life depends on the efforts you put in to achieve your goals. Don’t be afraid to aim high. Also know that life is full of challenges and graduating means that graduates will have to learn to overcome many obstacles on their path.