
Antonio Carmelo Caught With Multiple Open Beers In Car – Scoop: Nashville

Antonio Carmelo, 20, was observed “suspicious” at the intersection of School Lane and Weaver Drive at 1:50 a.m. on June 27. Officers arrived and observed Carmelo’s vehicle running, so they approached. Upon looking into the vehicle, officers saw he had open containers of alcoholic beverages in his center console and on the floorboard. Officers removed him from his car, during which they reported he reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication. Carmelo admitted to drinking three of the four beers they found in his car before and while he was driving. They asked him to take sobriety tests, which he consented to and which malfunctioned. He was detained for the incident and agreed to provide a blood sample after being advised of implied consent. Carmelo was transported to Nashville General Hospital and booked for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Antonio Carmelo (MNPD)
Antonio Carmelo (MNPD)

Antonio A. Carmelo, of Arrogate Dr. in Antioch, Tennessee, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on June 27 on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol. A court marshal set his bail at $2,000 and the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office granted him a pretrial release from the facility.

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