
Japan’s travel ban to contain virus is unfair, Western businesses say

By Rocky Swift

TOKYO (Reuters) – Four Western lobby groups have joined together to protest Japan’s travel ban aimed at halting the spread of the new coronavirus, saying the policy is out of step with measures in other major economies and will hurt investment.

Many countries have imposed travel restrictions to combat the pandemic, but Japan is among the strictest, banning entry to tourists and visa holders from more than 140 countries.

“This policy is contrary to the treatment Japan receives from other G7 and other leading countries that treat long-term foreign residents on an equal footing with citizens when it comes to health matters,” they said. the groups in a statement released Tuesday.

The joint letter was signed by business lobby groups from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the US and Europe. American and European groups had already made complaints about this policy.

Japan is allowing its citizens to re-enter the country if they take a coronavirus test at the port of entry and observe a period of self-quarantine. Foreigners living in Japan face much higher barriers to re-entering the country.

These measures “can only discourage foreign nationals and the companies they work for from investing in Japan,” the business groups said.

Japan’s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The government announced last month that it would launch “phased measures” to restore travel based on infection conditions, starting with 12 Asian countries.

Restrictions aimed at containing the spread of the virus have devastated Japan’s economy, which recorded its biggest contraction on record in the second quarter.

(Edited by Jacqueline Wong)