
The prophet of Islam gave the message of peace and harmony to humanity”: Andrabi

Chairman, J&K Waqf Board (MoS), Dr Syed Darakhshan Andrabi today attended the Seerat Conference as the Chief Guest at the newly established Bonvivant English School at Aali Masjid Hawal in Srinagar. A large number of invited delegates, staff and students of the School participated in the conference. Dr Andrabi, in his address, stressed the need to spread the message of brotherhood and moral excellence of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) among the new generation so that they are led towards a happy and meaningful life. “The Prophet of Islam conveyed the message of peace and harmony to the entire humanity and this message remains relevant in all ages and across the world. In order to provide a life full of peace, compassion and tolerance to our new generation, we must teach them the messages of Prophet Muhammad (SAW),” Dr Andrabi said. She said that the teachings of the great prophet are a boon for humanity that leads to a happy and inclusive life. “We can simply come out of myopic and fragmented thought processes by following the teachings of the Prophet of Peace. Such interactive programs involving young minds are of great importance for a just, peaceful and progressive society where morality and spirituality are in charge,” said the Chairman of the Waqf Board.