
I can’t stop hoping for a Dreamcast 2 and I know how Sega could do it

Dreamcast console and controller
Could there ever be a second Dreamcast? (Sega)

One reader is hopeful that a Dreamcast 2 console might finally be a possibility, if Sega accepts his suggestion to promote its new games.

No matter how many great games and incredible consoles come out, we gamers can’t help but think about the one that missed us. The sequel that was never made, the remaster that never saw the light of day (hello Bloodborne!) or the console that they never had as children. For me, that console is the Dreamcast 2 and the reason I never got it is… it doesn’t exist.

This was a blow to me at the time, but the Dreamcast was Sega’s last home console. Cut off at its peak by poor sales and overtaken by the PlayStation 2, the Dreamcast was underfunded and doomed from the start. It nevertheless remains my favorite console of all time and while, yes, I recognize that a lot of that is due to nostalgia, I maintain that it was the perfect blend of Sega’s arcade heritage and gaming on modern living room console.

The Dreamcast was also innovative, with the first proper online service and games like Phantasy Star Online that were ahead of their time. These days, Sega is a shell of its former self, better known for its stuffy PC strategy games than any of the classic franchises I associate it with.

However, I had come to accept the new Sega, accepting that they were no longer the company I remembered and instead hoping for an indie style sequel, like the excellent Streets Of Rage 4. Then, at out of the blue, they announced that they were making a bunch of new games based on classic franchises like Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe, Streets Of Rage and Shinobi.

Well, to be honest, they didn’t really announce them, but rather showed random images, left and didn’t explain anything. There have been rumors that they’ll be reboots, remakes, free-to-play games, maybe all of the above… no one seems to know. There might even be two Jet Set Radio games, according to the latest rumors, so who knows what’s going on.

Regardless, there are rumors of a dozen or more other games being revived, including OutRun, Altered Beast, After Burner, and Virtua Fighter, although I imagine it depends on how this first batch behaves.

Their plans seem much more ambitious than one would expect from a modern Sega and there is also talk of some sort of hub, perhaps something like Assassin’s Creed Infinity is meant to be, where you can access all games and achieving achievements, etc. But here’s my big idea… what if this hub was actually a piece of hardware? The legendary Dreamcast 2.

Obviously you wouldn’t want to force people to buy the console to play the new games, but I would love for Sega to make an official Dreamcast 2, with a new controller, especially to run these games. You could even throw in an extra one or two, as a bonus for buying the console.

The problem is that it would probably be quite expensive, but hopefully they can do streaming versions of the games and the console can play them via the cloud, so it doesn’t need to be powerful or expensive. Although Sega could probably get away with charging eager fans a pretty hefty sum.

That’s my idea anyway. It probably won’t happen, but at least we might get a controller. They might at least put a Dreamcast 2 logo on it, or call the hub Dreamcast 2, and then my dreams will at least come true in part.

By reader Franky

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