
Donald Trump sends a message “loud and clear” to Ukrainian President Zelensky; It’s time to “bluff” Washington!

Tribune by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

While Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Ukraine had lost about 80% of its thermal power and a third of its hydroelectric power in the Russian strikes, for him the most worrying message came from Donald Trump during a debate with Joe Biden.

Trump has made clear reference to Zelensky’s salesmanship, visiting Washington DC and raising billions of dollars. He has also suggested that once elected, he would bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table to end the war.

But the most horrific message to Zelensky from Trump is that Ukraine is not winning the war. During the debate, Donald Trump clearly and boldly declared: “This is a war that should never have started. This would never have started with me. And he’s going to take Ukraine and, you know, you asked me a question before: would you do that with – he’s putting us in such a bad position right now with Ukraine and Russia because Ukraine don’t win this war.

“He said: I will never settle down until then – they are short of people, they are short of soldiers, they have lost so many people. It’s so sad.

They lost so many people and these magnificent cities with 1,000 year old golden domes, all because of him and stupid decisions.

Most likely, Zelensky will not let the Ukrainian masses watch or read Trump’s remarks, because it would be totally suicidal for him, like this loud and clear message that kyiv is losing the war and Zelensky pushing soldiers and civilians into a meat grinder right for the sake of extracting billions of dollars from the United States and NATO countries would certainly lead to either a coup d’état or a mass revolt in Ukraine.

After the first debate, the majority of American voters were deeply shocked to see that they were led by a man who is not only cognitively impaired but also corrupt. Military officers are now openly expressing their opinion, saying Joe Biden is not fit to serve as president.

Retired US Army Colonel and former Defense Department adviser Douglas Macgregor said: “The media worked closely with the White House to cover up the truth that was revealed last night. President Biden is unfit for the immense tasks of the presidency. The alarming evidence of his cognitive decline was on display for all to see.” He believes Biden is a puppet of his political advisers and allies who pull his strings and who have used his mental health to fuel the “proxy war in Ukraine.”

Commenting on the outcome of the first Biden-Trump debate, Carole Lieberman, a board-certified psychiatrist and best-selling author, told the media: “It appears that he (Joe Biden) was on a performance-enhancing drug, but either it was a lower dose, or a less potent drug, or they didn’t take into account the fact that his cognitive decline has been worse since the State of the Union (speech).

She added: “The 46th US president “had a hollow look, a trembling voice and it sounded like he might not survive the 90 minutes – but would collapse right then and there.”

Robert Bridge, American writer, journalist and author of “Midnight in the American Empire, How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream” said in an article: “Even though he had a full week to prepare for his confrontation against Donald Trump, and rumored to have been drugged to the eyeballs with performance-enhancing drugs, old Joe Biden immediately stumbled out of the debate doors and never got back on his horse. The spectacle was so painful to watch that the main topic of discussion among pundits after the event was: who will replace Biden?

File image: Trump and Zelensky

He added that the most embarrassing moment occurred early in the night when the US leader, left to his own devices with no wife or caregivers nearby, suffered a brain freeze that lasted 15 seconds endless, which translates to an eternity on television. Asked about his response to the COVID pandemic, all Biden managed to mutter was that “we finally beat Medicare,” to which Trump retorted: “Well, he’s right, he beat Medicare, he He’s beaten to death, and he’s destroying Medicare. »

Dave Wasserman, editor and election analyst, tweeted: “This debate makes it abundantly clear that Biden’s insistence on running for another term—when 66% of voters in our poll in key states think he’s unlikely to complete a second term—has seriously damaged Democrats’ chances of defeating Trump.”

Although for Democrats it is impossible to replace Joe Biden with a better candidate to face Republican candidate Donald Trump on November 5, 2024, it is obviously clear that the outcome of the election will favor Trump, and he could achieve a landslide victory unless the Democrats do it now. in concert with the American state apparatus, including the Pentagon and the CIA, begins to prepare a new “rigged election”.

For Democrats, this is a battle of survival because Biden’s defeat would result in a real catastrophe as so many people in the Biden administration would face a range of charges, including corruption and even high treason.

On the other hand, for Volodymyr Zelensky and his neo-Nazi acolytes, November 5 is a very crucial day. Once Trump wins the election, he will almost certainly ask Zelensky to immediately hold elections to legitimize his illegal mandate – even before Donald Trump asks him to sit down with Moscow at the negotiating table.

At the same time, Trump would ask the US Treasury Department to examine every penny America sends to kyiv. This would be a nightmare, as such actions would expose the rampant corruption and plunder of Volodymyr Zelensky, his wife Olena Zelenska and other key figures in kyiv.

It will also reveal how Zelensky forced Ukrainian soldiers and civilians into meat grinders in order to keep the war “active”, allowing him to extract billions of dollars from the United States and NATO countries .

For Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine was a cash cow, while the country’s soldiers and people were his pawns in a dangerous gamble.

  • Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is an internationally renowned anti-militant journalist, writer, researcher and editor of Blitz, a Bangladeshi newspaper published since 2003. He writes regularly for local and international newspapers. Follow him on X @Salah_Shoaib