
Meet the kids who look like Chris Martin and his ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow: Apple and Moses

Chris Martin is not only headlining Glastonbury with Coldplay, he’s also a proud father. The 47-year-old singer-songwriter is the father of two now-grown children with ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow.

The former couple share Apple and Moses, the latter of whom recently graduated from high school while his daughter is in college.

According to his ex-wife, Chris Martin brings a “sweet, childlike spirit” to his parenting. She told People, “He has a real sweetness, and he brings that to the way he raises his kids… he’s away a lot, he’s on the road a lot, but he brings — it’s almost like he comes in and sprinkles fairy dust.”

Photo shared by Gwyneth Paltrow on Instagram in honor of Father’s Day of her and Chris Martin with their children Apple and Moses

Here’s everything you need to know about the couple’s two children

Apple Martin

Photo shared by Gwyneth Paltrow on Instagram on May 14, 2024 of her daughter Apple Martin in honor of her 20th birthday

Gwyneth gave birth to Apple Blythe Alison Martin on May 14, 2004. When the couple named their daughter after the fruit, they immediately received backlash — but according to the actress, it was Chris’ idea.

“When we were first pregnant, her daddy once said, if it’s a girl, I think her name should be Apple,” she told Oprah, adding, “It just sounded so sweet and it conjured up such a beautiful image for me, you know apples are so sweet and healthy and it’s biblical and I just thought it sounded so beautiful.”

Chris is certainly a devoted parent to Apple, and in 2020, he shared how he embarrassed her at her first job at a clothing store.

“I just went to see her. And I thought I’d better buy something, so I grabbed a T-shirt off the rack and got in line. She was at the checkout and there were two checkouts,” he explained, but she wasn’t too happy to see him – telling him to “get out.”

Many have noticed how much Apple resembles French actress Brigitte Bardot

“I felt terrible, so I moved to the other line, just holding my T-shirt, really scared of my daughter. I paid for the T-shirt and bought her fudge because she loves candy fudge, so I said to the lady, “Can you just give this to my daughter?” And as I was leaving, she shouted, ‘I love you, Dad!’

Today, Apple studies at Vanderbilt University, but like her father, she is passionate about music. She co-wrote the song “Let Somebody Go” on Coldplay’s album Music of the Spheres.

Moses Martin

Photo shared by Gwyneth Paltrow on Instagram in honor of Chris Martin’s Father’s Day with their son Moses Martin

Chris and Gwyneth then welcomed their second child, Moses Bruce Paltrow Martin, on April 8, 2006 at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

In 2024, Moses graduated from high school, making Gwyneth an empty-nest mother, of which she said: “On the one hand, incredible sadness. A deep feeling of impending sorrow. On the other hand, that’s exactly what should happen. »

“Your children are meant to be young adults who can succeed, cope, bond and be resilient. This is exactly what you want. And that means they’re leaving the house. »

As she celebrated his 18th birthday, Gwyneth said of her son: “I love your sensitivity, your genius and your quiet humour,” before sharing: “I admire the depth with which you pursue the areas that interest you, becoming an expert on 80s synths and French new wave.”