
Eddie Murphy tells the story of Robin Williams and John Belushi offering him cocaine

EDdie Murphy had one of his biggest breaks appearing on Saturday Night Live, which introduced him to many legendary people in the entertainment world, including actor John Belushi and the extraordinary actor and comedian. Robin Williams.

Eddie Murphy, Robin Williams and John Belushi were good friends

Eddie Murphy recalled the SNL times during interview New York Times podcast. Speaking about the 1980s, Murphy recalled how two of the most respected comedic personalities invited him to take cocaine.

According to Murphy, the three of them went to a bar when he was just 19. “It was me, (John) Belushi and Robin Williams, they started doing cocaine, and I thought, “No, I’m fine.”

He remembers why he didn’t accept the invitation. “I didn’t have a moral position. I just wasn’t interested. Not having the desire or the curiosity, I would say that’s providence.” While adding “God was watching me at that moment.”

Murphy said that, especially as an up-and-coming comedian, he didn’t want to do anything that would

The Beverly Hills cop recalled that he didn’t want anything to jeopardize his success “When you become famous at a very young age, especially a Black artist, it’s like living in a minefield, at any moment you can step on a mine. At any moment, something can happen and destroy everything. »

“J.“Imagine being a young person and having the world at your feet,” he said. “No one says ‘no,’ and everyone wants to be on your side. You try all kinds of crap and get drawn into all kinds of things. » He added: “That’s what destroys people.,”.

John Belushi died young of an overdose in 1982 at age 33while Williams committed suicide in 2014 He struggled with severe depression throughout his life.

Eddie confessed: “I don’t drink, I smoked a joint for the first time when I was 30. The amount of drugs I do is weed.”