
Biden and Trump Show It’s Time to Consider Higher Age Limits for Seniors

IThe last few days have been difficult for the elderly.

In the United States, last week’s televised presidential debate between septuagenarian Donald Trump and octogenarian Joe Biden would have served better as an advertisement for a retirement home than as an incentive for either man to return to the White House.

Meanwhile, on this side of the Atlantic, undercover journalists from Channel 4 News have filmed an activist called Andrew Parker, whose campaign for Reform UK used racist language rarely heard among political canvassers. Nigel Farage claims it was all a set-up; Channel 4 disagrees. But one thing is clear: Parker is genuinely old. Indeed, in an interview with Sky News, this fact appeared to be part of his defence. “I’m an old man,” he says. “And I still use old words.” Well, that’s one way of putting it.