
Heard about Project 2025? Now discover Agenda 47 – Baptist News Global

What will Donald Trump do? if he is re-elected for a second presidential term in November?

So far, it’s the Heritage Foundation’s controversial 2025 project that has garnered the most attention. But while Heritage has supported Trump, it hasn’t backed his 900-plus-page magnum opus.

Trump is not known for being a politician. He was nominated in 2020 by a Republican party that had offered no policy agenda that year. But there are two other places you can look for policies that earned Trump’s endorsement:

  • His own campaign website is perhaps the best place to search for “Agenda 47,” even though it was created for the GOP primaries, not the November showdown with Joe Biden.
  • The website of the Center for American Renewal, founded by Russell Vought, a self-described Christian nationalist and evangelical Wheaton College graduate who served on Trump’s White House cabinet.

Project 2025, which calls for replacement tens of thousands of veteran public servants among Trump loyalists, has attracted the most attention and criticism, most recently from congressional Democrats who announced the creation of a new Stop Project 2025 task force.

Russ Vought, 2019 (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The task force was praised by Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which called Project 2025 “an existential threat to American democracy,” citing plans to “ban abortion and restrict access to birth control, rolling back LGBTQ rights and eliminating marriage equality, eliminating the Department of Education and diverting public funds to private religious schools, and redefining religious freedom as a license to discriminate.”

Vought’s Center for Renewing America says it works “for God.” For the country. For the community.” Its mission is to “renew the consensus that America is a nation under God, with unique interests worth defending, which flow from its people, its institutions and its history, where the enjoyment freedom for individuals rests on just laws and healthy communities.”

The Center’s 2023 Annual Report highlights its major accomplishments, saying, “In just three years since our founding, the center has become the tip of the America First spear in some of the biggest fights in Washington.” Among the victories he cites:

  • Replaced House Speaker Kevin McCarthy with Mike Johnson, an evangelical Christian and Trump loyalist.
  • “Combating and exposing the militarization of the U.S. national security apparatus, with a focus on the Federal Bureau of Investigation”
  • Changing “the narrative about how conservatives view our involvement in Ukraine and how Congress approaches President Biden’s requests for aid”
  • “Fighting the pornography epidemic”
  • And “Standing by Jeffrey Clark,” who served in the Trump administration and now works for Vought’s Center. Clark, who was indicted for trying to overturn Trump’s 2020 election loss, has tried to use the Justice Department to keep Trump in power.

Vought, which was recently introduced speak Washington Postbelieves Democrats have armed the government against conservative Trump supporters and plan to use it against them if Trump returns to power.

“We live in post-Constitutional times,” he said. Trump asked Vought to prepare a Republican Party platform for this year’s national convention in Milwaukee.

Vought’s plans are of concern to Marc Short, who was Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff. Short told the Job Vought embraced the “tactics of strengthening government and using the levers of power in the federal bureaucracy to combat our political adversaries.”

The Trump campaign’s Agenda 47 is probably the one that comes closest to Trump’s priorities, even though no one, including Trump, is paying much attention to it, according to Job national columnist Philip Bump, whose article provides a useful research tool allowing anyone to search for specific words in Agenda 47.

“Many parts of Agenda 47 are aimed at evangelicals. »

Many parts of Agenda 47 are aimed at evangelicals, who helped Trump win in 2016 and are essential again in 2024. Issues include opposing all things “woke,” supporting homeschooling families and “the left’s gendered madness being foisted on our children.”

“President Trump’s Plan to Protect Children from the Left’s Gender Madness” states that Trump will “sign a new executive order directing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at all age. »

Trump also aims to dismantle higher education: “We will take the billions and billions of dollars we raise by taxing, fining, and suing overly large private university foundations…and then we will use that money to endow a new institution called the American Academy,” he said. Job reported from the conservative plan.

Agenda 47’s perspective on public education This mirrors the words of religious right activists seeking to dismantle public education: “The Marxism preached in our schools is also totally hostile to Judeo-Christian teachings and in many ways resembles a new established religion. We cannot let that happen.”

“We will teach students to love their country, not to hate it as they are currently taught” and “we will support the return of prayer in our schools”.

Agenda 47 also contains a policy aimed at “preventing World War III”: “It is the collapse of the nuclear family and fertility rates, as no one can imagine. It is the Marxists who want us to become a godless nation, worshipping at the altar of race, gender and the environment. And it is the globalist class that has made us totally dependent on China and other foreign countries that fundamentally hate us.”

But Agenda 47 says nothing about abortion and IVF.

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