
Milan set to return next week with Fonseca set to arrive

AC Milan will return for pre-season next week, and only then will the full squad have the chance to meet Paulo Fonseca, given he was appointed in the off-season.

Reports prior to Fonseca’s arrival suggested that the Portuguese manager would not arrive in Italy before Julyat least not to be the manager of Milan himself, and that is true so far, but not for long.

As Tuttosport writes (via Milan News), the coach will arrive in Milanello, alongside the majority of his team, on July 8 – with the exception of any Rossoneros still in contention for the European Championship. Next week will be an opportunity for the Portuguese coach and players to familiarize themselves with a new environment as the pressure builds.

With the first weekend of Serie A being August 17, Milan have just under a month and a half to prepare for the upcoming season. However, as the report suggests, plans for the return have been drawn up for weeks and after last season there will be demand for more matches.

So more needs to be done. Last year was a season without silverware and with humility everywhere, so now there needs to be change, and Fonseca has to be prepared to lead that.