
Members of the public in Longford, Roscommon and Mayo are urged to consider joining the Garda Reserves before the deadline

Members of the public in Longford, Roscommon and Mayo are being asked to consider enlisting in the Garda Reserves before the application deadline this Thursday (July 4, 3pm).

A final push is being made for members of the public to consider joining the Garda Reserves in a bid to bolster day-to-day policing in Longford, Roscommon and Mayo.

A recruitment drive to appoint more than 650 Garda reservists was launched last month by Justice Minister Helen McEntee.

Its intention was to strengthen the nearly 350 members already in place by attracting 1,000 new recruits to its digital base by 2026.

Despite its voluntary nature, the allowance for potential newcomers has also been increased, with those who volunteer more than 200 hours a year entitled to €3,000 tax-free.

The Garda Reserve scheme was first introduced in 2006 with the aim of selecting successful candidates from communities to work in tandem with rank and file members to support local patrols and crime reduction initiatives.

They also assist in policing major incidents and events and provide operational support to gardaí based on the skills of the Garda Reserve or their local knowledge.

Liaison Inspector for Longford, Roscommon and Mayo Community Engagement Areas Declan McGlynn has urged those interested in joining the force’s reserves to do so before the application deadline this Thursday.

“I respect what they bring to the game,” he said, adding that the experience has also enabled a significant number of reservists to join the Gardaí full-time.

“They bring tremendous value to what they do by bringing a different perspective and qualities like that are all welcome.” They complement and support daily policing functions and they bring a different life experience to the job.

“Their contribution is welcome and I would encourage anyone interested in applying to get in touch in the coming days.” »

The deadline for applications is 3pm this Thursday (July 4) and full details are available at

Alternatively, anyone interested in applying and with any further questions is also invited to contact Inspector McGlynn at Longford Police Station on (043) 3350570.